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  1. E

    My House Got Raided Today.

    I'm truly gutted for you Pat, personally I would tell the stepson that u gonna call the cops for stealing etc and only if he retracts will u drop the charges. On another note I had a learning experience yesterday that frightened the shit outta me. I have an iPhone3 that I use to take pics of my...
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    Back again lol 2400w white russian flood n drain

    Wow Bud Porn lol. Very nice :)
  3. E

    Scrog or not??

    Just a quick Q or two, Would it be too late to Scrog my ladies, i have one that im lsting and one that has been topped. The smaller of the two has the LST. Also when would should i start. My set up is 600w Dual spectrum and tent 1.2x1.2 x2 Meters. Ladies are starting their 5th week in Veg...
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    First Indoor Grow In Shed 600w Journel

    Hey Smurfy, i.m a UK grower myself. My water is 8 too but a drop of ph down sorts it out. Your plants are looking damn fine, think i'm gonna go for quite a few next time too. Seems such a waste of resources to be only doing two. Never mind, learning slowly eh :)
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    Help lower leafs turning yellow :(

    So what do Epsom Salts do? I've heard to use them but dont understand why? thanks
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    Cheese strain

    Well i bought a pack of 5 Chiesel from Big Buddah, all seeds germinated in 15hrs, would defo buy from them again, i had some CH9 Female Seeds Afghan Haze 33 and Dinafem Seeds Blue Hash which took 2 days to germ and have been 3 days in airing cupboard and still nothing so i wont be buying from...
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    Temp control Help

    Yeah its venting out of the window so cant be that. What i have done tho is take the carbon filter off and the suction through the extractor seems much stronger. I've managed to get the temps down to 82F but i still have that Air cooler to come yet. My humidity is at 31% so i think it will be...
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    Temp control Help

    Thank you beansly, have ordered one this morning so should be with me in the next few days, so thank you, thank you, thank you :)
  9. E

    Temp control Help

    Thanks everyone so far, My tent is 120x120x200cms, and i have a 600w dual spectrum. Just an update, i went in the tent this morning after closing it all up and it was 92F in there :( Should i get a 250Watt bulb instead? should i spray my babies to keep them moist, is the shell going to come...
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    Temp control Help

    how do i keep my temps down. I have an extractor fan with carbon filter in there. The tent is also open about 10 inches where i have a fan blowing in, plus the windows are open and its still 92F. I have opened the door of the tent all the way now but i need a solution. Please can anyone help x
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    Bulb type advice please

    Thank you both, Feel better about it now, tho i might just swap it later :)
  12. E

    Bulb type advice please

    Was going to use a a 600W HPS however the light that comes with the kit is 600W Sunmaster Dual Spectrum Lamp. Will this be ok for my entire grow. Cheers. Evie x
  13. E

    My first grow any advice on a gud veg & flowering!

    No probs, glad i could help, keep me posted and dont forget pics too x
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    My first grow any advice on a gud veg & flowering!

    Hey there Little62, I'm a newbie here too but just thought i'd share this feeding chart that i came across. A friend of mine who grows quite a bit, gave me some info on the Nutes i would need but i failed to ask about feeding times for veg and flowering periods. I was looking for info on EC Base...