Back again lol 2400w white russian flood n drain


Well-Known Member
im using 6x400w 3xmh 3xhps plus ive got a 600w hps thats not on at the mo
ok so its a bit late now as the plants around 43 days into flowering
but nether the less i thought id show a few pics of where im at now
the landlord found the last set up ;o(
so ive had a few troubles but thats all behind me now lol
and no1 went 2 jail so all is well ;o)
anyway heres the pics not the best sorry
but i must say i was a nft grower i mean i loved it . . . . .
honestly tho it doesnt compare yield wise to flood and drain FACT
anyway enuff crap heres the pics
ps. the mites have been terrible this time not sure if the russians a bit weak at keeping them off :twisted::twisted:



Well-Known Member
Lol thanks
i think they should b a bit bigger :-P
i had lot of issues this time round
but should still b a good harvest


Well-Known Member
ok sorry 4 the lack of posts
but the las 1's all done
ended up being just over a pound :sad:
pretty shitty i know lol
however the plants were in such a state at 1 stage
i was concidering throwing the lot away and starting again lol
anyway new start now
i was gonna start a new thread
but to hell with it lol
here we go . . . . . . .
flood and drian bucket system
ive added a hi blow air pump
and dropped a stone in each pot
7x 400w 4hps 3mh
1x600w hps
1x8" rvk air in
2x6" rvk air out
15x ghs lemon skunk
1x dinafem white widdow
1x " " " " blue widdow
1x " " " " power kush
the pics r of the lemon skunk
they broke ground 4 days ago



Well-Known Member
I agree with ya, I'm thinking that Flood and drain seems to be one the best I have seen for amount outcome! Every video I have seen shows very good results from this method, can't wait to try it!


Well-Known Member
lol i know it can b abit testy when it comes 2 nutes
but ive grow this strain many times now
nft soil and now flood and drain lol
i added the air stones
because at harvest on the last crop
i could smell abit of rott
due 2 how much water was left in the pots after draining
and yes cashcrops i was very impressed
with the flood and drain
i went from half a zip per plant with nft
2 around 2 an a half zips per plant with flood
and im expecting more now as its a bubbler aswell now


Well-Known Member
^^ Nice! Have you considered UV light for the flowering stage? I have read that in small doses 3-4hrs with your normal lighting cycle that it helps produce more tricombs because the plant creates it like a sun block.


Well-Known Member
half a zip per plant nft?? sounds like you might have been having probs i use nft and get 2-3 oz per plant dry and thats only under a baby 400w


Well-Known Member
no never tried uv i will look it up tho
hey shadow
i had a 13 foot nft used 2 put about 130 plants in it
but yield was nothing 2 write home about
i did a side by side with nft and my brothers flood and drain
he did 16 plants and got 120 or so zips
i got 70 hence my flood and drain lol
maybe the plants blocked light from each other ?


Well-Known Member
i just had 2 switch the 8" fan 2 air out
and use the 2x 6" as air in
i was having some heat issues lol
also just ordered a 10" ruck this should solve the problem
i hope lol


120 ounces off 16 plants... explain how in detail if you dont mine...
70 off 20 ? explain too

i must know how!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i had 70 from 130 plant nft filled the tray let um go 4 weeks veg
9 weeks flower
my brother hit the 120 mark with his flood and drain buckets
he used 8x600w hps same 4 weeks veg 9 weeks flower
he was feeding them every hour
even when the light was out
avarage of about 8 zips per plant
canna a+b canna pk and canna boost
dont know what else 2 tell u really ?lol


Well-Known Member
mine were a around 3 foot
his were around 5 foot id say but some were as tall as me
and im 5,8"
nft nutriant film tecnique
its where u run water across the bottom of the tray constanly
and the roots grow in 2 matting lol
my advice would b
go 2 the free vids post
and watch a few of those
they will give u good idea of the diffrent systems,lighting and lingo thats used
i use mine for reference all the time lol
and watch as many as u can as they all cover things a little diffrently
hope this helps


Active Member
I just wanna clarify, the bucket system is ebb and grow. Ebb and flow uses tables. And personally, I think ebb and flow outproduces ebb and grow in terms of square foot of garden space.