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  1. Whackatabacky

    Grow Project : Sun_burns Every Summer !

    Stardustsailor, I have been following your new GD-SDS panel build and grow journal for awhile and decided to make myself a Oslon SSL test panel. It would be awesome to have a possibility to dim my leds as you do. Do you mind telling me what parts do I need between power supply and first LED to...
  2. Whackatabacky

    Grow Project : Sun_burns Every Summer !

    Are you looking for this thread? :)
  3. Whackatabacky

    Grow Project : Sun_burns Every Summer !

    That's what I'm looking for! Gonna go and get myself one of these silent fans! Thanks SDS and have a great success with Your new LED panel! :)
  4. Whackatabacky

    Grow Project : Sun_burns Every Summer !

    A question NOT about the LEDs, but its pretty important for me to know - how's the TD silent 160/100 fan doing? Is it enough for this grow space? :confused:
  5. Whackatabacky

    Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

    Thanks for your help! The reds I have ordered is 620-640nm epistar 80-90lm (at least it says so lol). We'll see how "good" are those reds :)
  6. Whackatabacky

    Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

    Ganja 2 and SDS what do you think would be better plant-wise (from seed to harvest) in Astir panels - Cold Whites (let's say 6500K - 8000K) or Neutral Whites (4200K - 3800K) with WW (2700K) and 630nm? Because I don't know do I have to order CW or NW would do the job without CW.. :confused...
  7. Whackatabacky

    Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

    Are these buds grown under the LED light?? :o
  8. Whackatabacky

    LED DIY : Making of a "DJ SET "-style grow led light .

    SDS, I've noticed that you are going with 660nm reds. Do you think that 660nm 1Waters would be better than 630nm in Astir 24 LED panels? 4-5 panels for one plant (50/50 - indica/sativa hybrid) in 60x60 cm space ? :confused:
  9. Whackatabacky

    Cannabinarium (Pc box/24w astir led panel /hydro dwc)

    Very nice grow you got here, froghunter! :smile: I wish I could get my hands on such big PC case... :o
  10. Whackatabacky

    Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

    Stardustsailor, how are your buds doing? It's been a while since the last update on it :]
  11. Whackatabacky

    Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

    I'll have that in mind! Thanks mate! ;-)
  12. Whackatabacky

    Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

    Psynobi, I saw you wrote that your light schedule was 20/4. So did you used it throughout all 11 weeks? Wouldn't it be a waste of light? Because almost everyone I know uses 12/12 light schedule with autos... :confused:
  13. Whackatabacky

    Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

    Thank you, stardustsailor! What about the chinese satisled 75V drivers @350mA? Are they trustworthy? Because I might swap MeanWell for them to use 2 x 24 LED panels instead of 3 x 16 panels for one female. I Think it would be better for her... (?) ... oh! forgot to mention that I'll be using...
  14. Whackatabacky

    Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

    First of all, I would like to thank stardustsailor, ganja 2, guod and everybody else who was kind to provide everyone lots of usefull information and marvelous photos with growing under LED. Just finished reading this thread, had a wonderfull time, and I have two major questions which are...