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  1. V

    PLEASE...nutrient burn?? not enough nut... SOMEBODY HELP???!?

    come on could someone help me...? ive never seen white/light green veins before in a twisting leaf! i dont like it.
  2. V

    PLEASE...nutrient burn?? not enough nut... SOMEBODY HELP???!?

    does anybody know what could cause leaves towards the top of my 4.5 week into flowering plants to twist and turn the veins in the twisted leaves white/light green?? i have 3 three foot tall plants, one is fine and my blue cheese and lsd both have a few twisted up leaves.. i water every 5-6 days...
  3. V

    lsd and blue cheese leaves twisting and veins turning white/light green

    oh yea my ph is 6.7 and other than a few twisted leaves they look really healthy
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    lsd and blue cheese leaves twisting and veins turning white/light green

    does anybody know what could cause leaves towards the top of my 4.5 week into flowering plants to twist and turn the veins in the twisted leaves white/light green?? i have 3 three foot tall plants, one is fine and my blue cheese and lsd both have a few twisted up leaves.. i water every 5-6 days...
  5. V

    leaves dying

    its probably your ph for sure.. other leaves are spotted and blotchy looking kinda like disease but i would say ph
  6. V

    blue cheese and lsd plant problem, pleasssssssssee hellp?

    ya i was thinking of going to 6.5 so it didnt change to quick and shock my ladies, my blue cheese and lsd are both atleast 2 foot tall prob 2 and a half
  7. V

    blue cheese and lsd plant problem, pleasssssssssee hellp?

    does any1 else have any opinions on what i should do on my next watering? up or down or keep the same? i thought maybe deficiency because i didnt think 2 foot tall 4 weeks into flowering plants would burn from 1 or 2 tsp of ej bloom..
  8. V

    blue cheese and lsd leafs curling at tips 30 days into crystalization!!!?

    could somebody help me out??? do you think i should up or down the nutes on the next watering, how much earth juice bloom can 2 foot tall plants 4 weeks into 12 take? my 1 or 2tsp seems quite small to me but i didnt want to burn them
  9. V

    blue cheese and lsd plant problem, pleasssssssssee hellp?

    lol catalyst is a blend by earth juice it has a bunch of micronutrients to be used in addition with the grow and bloom i would reccomend trying it if your into earth juice.. should the ph be slightly lower in flowering than veg?
  10. V

    blue cheese and lsd leafs curling at tips 30 days into crystalization!!!?

    ok so im in day 30 of flowering my barneys farm blue cheese and lsd which i would highly reccomend to anyone that wants a small-medium plant, with high yields, a great smell, fast flowering, and extreme thc! ok so all my leafs look great except the extreme tips of my leafs are curled up and...
  11. V

    blue cheese and lsd plant problem, pleasssssssssee hellp?

    oh yea and i have more than enough ventilation and my temps are high 70's
  12. V

    blue cheese and lsd plant problem, pleasssssssssee hellp?

    ok so im in day 30 of flowering my barneys farm blue cheese and lsd which i would highly reccomend to anyone that wants a small-medium plant, with high yields, a great smell, fast flowering, and extreme thc! ok so all my leafs look great except the extreme tips of my leafs are curled up and...
  13. V

    well im six weeks 2day into flowering my white russian and i would have to say that i wont be...

    well im six weeks 2day into flowering my white russian and i would have to say that i wont be buying ej again. dont get me wrong its a very good mix of organic nutrients but im g2 have to go with fox farm from here on out no doubt. the ph is unstable in ej and i think it did an "all right" job...
  14. V

    white russian 3.5 weeks leaves yellowing??? help my baby

    ok that makes me feel allot better with yalls advice but its not just the fan leaves that are turning lighter its every single leaf on the plant. is that normal also halway through flowering? i thought it started at the bottom then went up but mine started in the middle then went up and then i...
  15. V

    white russian 3.5 weeks leaves yellowing??? help my baby

    and also allot of the stems and veins are red... idk what is wrong... hellllllllllllllllllllllllllp
  16. V

    white russian 3.5 weeks leaves yellowing??? help my baby

    ok so i have a 23 inch tall bushy all organic white russian clone that i luckily stumbled across. it is 24 days into flowering with some nice dank looking buds everywere on it. yesterday i noticed that from halfway on the plant and up ALL the leaves are turning a light green like a nitrogen...
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    I think I have everything covered. Help??!?

    thank you that was my plan but how many plants can I fit under these 2 lights????
  18. V

    I think I have everything covered. Help??!?

  19. V

    I think I have everything covered. Help??!?

    Hello everyone! I am about to set up my plants for growing in a week or so. I am going to be growing jock horror and mango. I have one 250 watt hps and one 250 mh light. I am going all organic using earth juice grow and bloom and spray n grow for foliar feeding along with good quality soil from...