I think I have everything covered. Help??!?


Active Member
Hello everyone! I am about to set up my plants for growing in a week or so. I am going to be growing jock horror and mango. I have one 250 watt hps and one 250 mh light. I am going all organic using earth juice grow and bloom and spray n grow for foliar feeding along with good quality soil from spray n grow and of course a ph balance kit. I also have a nice white closet for growing and all neccesary ventilation. So i guess my question is does this sound like about everything I will need to get some good buds and how many plants could I fit under these two lights used together??? Help would be greatly appreciated!! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I am growing 6 under one 250x HPS right now. My area is 22inX31inX5ft tall. Mine are topped and lollipopped so i could take advantage of the available light and they are doing great at around 11 days under 12-12 lighting. I also lst'd 3 of them because they are 29in tall and the other 3 are around 19in tall. So now they are at the same height and i am able to lower my light to 6in from the tops. Just figure out how many you can fit in there so they are not really crowding each other and try to keep them at the same height and have a good reflector on your lights and you should be fine. Good Luck!