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  1. HippyDip

    when do I bring indoor plants outside?

    I found a chart on the internet that shows how many hours of darkness I get in my area. Last night we had 10:17 of darkness for example. Hope this helps.
  2. HippyDip

    Need help with this problem!

    My plants are growing in less than ideal temps - cold (40-60 F) and I have lots of red and purple stem parts. I am stuck with the cold with 2 - 3 weeks left to go on flowering. Yes I know better but am kinda stuck with the cold for this round. Not to worry, you may also get some pretty knarly...
  3. HippyDip

    LED temps vs CFL temps

    They range from 40 F to 60 F. It is near freezing here in the South Bay at night. The water trays are what scared me since they had a small amount of water 3-5mm deep in them. My dog's water bowl had a thin layer of ice yesterday morning. Yes pretty cold I know. It is amazing how resilient...
  4. HippyDip

    LED temps vs CFL temps

    Ya it is really surprising. I thought I was done growing after a bad experience with a pretty big indoor grow (for us anyway) in the Santa Cruz Mountains. My partner went through an ugly divorce and his wife had the cops show up. They did not bust us but a great crop was lost due to...
  5. HippyDip

    LED temps vs CFL temps

    No need take a thoughtful reply and lash out, it throws others on a drag. If you have scientific measurements just post them man, no need to be hurtful. My apologies if I offended you by posting my experience here. I thought this forum was to share and discuss. Not post and slam. I come...
  6. HippyDip

    Weed Wars

    I thought it was very good information. There are parts I would leave and some I would take, same as any magazine, newspaper or TV show. There are multiple episodes and I watched them all. We can all selectivly believe or disbelieve based upon our own intellegience. But then I also read Mein...
  7. HippyDip

    LED temps vs CFL temps

    My cheapo Chinese LED lights do not put off any heat to speak of. CFLs will put off almost no heat as well. I use two 4 ft florescent tubes (one grow one normal) for clones and early veg in a small enclosure. I use one LED light (114 LEDS) per plant in another small but tall space. My...
  8. HippyDip

    Cultivation and intent to sell in California - help!

    I know this is an older thread but I have my 2 cents. Sounds like you are in the bay area. You should consider going to Oakland and attending a class on MM law (and maybe a how to max your grow yield class). Knowledge is power. You need to know exactly what is allowed (probably 6 mature and...
  9. HippyDip

    New here -hello

    OldLuck Yes I am. I have two cheapo Chinese non vented (72 red/42 blue) Square LED lights. These are simply made of a very simple bridge rectifier and LEds with resistors. I know this because I opened one up when some of the LEDs quit. It turned out to be a cold solder joint so it was easy...
  10. HippyDip

    Pay No Attention List?

    Skip I am new here too. I am having very good luck with some plain old potting soil that has some sand for drainage. I do not have any measuring devices and just grow. I use light amounts of nutrients (leftover hydro Supernatural bloom then flower) about every 10 to 15 days. I am paranoid...
  11. HippyDip

    New here -hello

    Jonny, yes it is freaky, I have a hell of a time looking at trichrome colors and have to turn off the LEDs sometimes when I am playing dope voyeur. When I was first vegging I had not setup the inner "tent" in my shed. It put off a weird red glow from the eaves at night. I have since plugged...
  12. HippyDip

    New here -hello

    Good points JCashman dude. It is all fun if you dig smoke and pretty plants. For me hydro is too time consuming at present and also I am in a teeny tiny corner of an outdoor shed. Space for control and drain vessels just does not exist until I expand. One thing I am going to try eventually...
  13. HippyDip

    New here -hello

    Yes. I am using the cheap Chinese 114 LED (72 Red/ 42 Blue). My only recommendation on LEDs is to try and find out the individual specs on the LEDs themselves. Lower quality ones are 5mm LEDs in a 10mm LED package. Meaning the output is low. Other cheaply manufactured ones pull 30mA ea...
  14. HippyDip

    New here -hello

    I am new here. I am 8 weeks into flowering an indoor LED cramped cold grow. I seem to be breaking all the "rules". For the doubters, these LED lights are way cheap on the electricity and seem to do pretty well. My past was larger indoor grows using big electricity sucking lights with vents...
  15. HippyDip

    What kind of weed is this?

    Dirt weed. I have not see it like that for 30 some years. probably from Mexico. I am surprised they even try to get it across the boarders anymore. CA is battling the growers that use public land and arm themselves with automatic weapons. No boarder to deal with.