Pay No Attention List?


Active Member
Can someone please tell me what to look for as far as the best soil to use?
IMO soil is pretty much based on preference certain soils have different qualities than others(retention time, nutritive elements, non-nutritive elements)

As a newcomer to growing I would suggest a soiless mix this way all you have to worry about is the nutrients. This mix should hold water evenly and drain well.

What to feed them
The basics when it comes to nutrients are like this:

During the vegetative stage- Nutrient high in Nitrogen
During the flowering stage- nutrient high in Phosphour and Potassium (low in nitrogen)
Both stages require micronutrients being Boron, magnesium, blablabla this is a MICRONUTRIENT solution.

and what fertalizer and when? Thank you very much
The Nutrient bottles have fairly easy to understand directions on them.
you won't need any fertilizer, all you need is soiless mix and nutrients and a little help by the good people here at rollitup and you'll; be smokin your own sweet bud!


Skip I am new here too. I am having very good luck with some plain old potting soil that has some sand for drainage. I do not have any measuring devices and just grow. I use light amounts of nutrients (leftover hydro Supernatural bloom then flower) about every 10 to 15 days. I am paranoid of over nuting them. I water every three or so days with tepid to warm reverse osmosis filtered water from the kitchen. I let the soil get pretty dry between watering since I also do not want root/nute rot/lock. Weed is a "weed" and is alot more resilient than most plants. Seedlings can sprout up from snow covered ground and survive in 100 plus degrees. Really pretty good for me since I am trying to achieve my potential as a cheap bastard. So I use LEDs (one 114 LED cheapo lamp per plant) to grow and flower, 4 ft flourescent for clones and teens, potting soil, air circulation, a fan and no heat or cooling.203_0399.jpg