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  1. Lestat2888

    NoCal guerilla grow questions

    Hey, Moving up to the North Coast where the trees are tall and the hippies are in full bloom :blsmoke: around mid august What I plan on doing is getting some clones, or starting from seed a nice amount of plants, around 500 to 1000 jk jk 20-50 under some t5 flourescents I have and after they get...
  2. Lestat2888

    white spots

    mold, is it hot and do you have GOOD air circulation
  3. Lestat2888

    A Batch of Clones in Rockwool

    question for you man. I tried cloning several clones without a heat mat and i oversoaked the rockwool. they were at like 70 g's. I cut them an inch shorter, redid the process with 30g damp cubes. I dont have an agricultural heat mat. Can i use my girlfriends period heating mat instead...
  4. Lestat2888

    Edibles Prices In Your Area

    think about the clones this way man. You go in, you buy six for 120 to 150, flower them for a while and get 500 for each one. Unless you have your own clones.... like me, aww yeaahhhh haha
  5. Lestat2888

    My Blunt, how i roll to smoke less tabac paper ^^ and cough ^^

    i usually just put my weed in my blunt wrap, proced to wrap, 30 seconds later im tightening it with fire and then im lighting it up.
  6. Lestat2888

    Holy Shit...checked my IP address and a google map pointed at my house

    my IP says im in L.A. hehe, o wait...
  7. Lestat2888

    underwear time

    damn straight their silk, i do where them out, onto my front lawn when i smoke haha. nobody will tell me off if they have to approach me in my undys!
  8. Lestat2888

    ACT Score?

    DUDE IM DOING THE SAME THING FOR TE SAME MAJOR!!!! i wanna be an architect too, i want to transfer to sc or ucla but you have to have pretty much a 4.0 transfer gpa and my counselor told me off, broke my heart i only have a 3 something. obviously your in the midwest though, cuz out here the sat...
  9. Lestat2888

    First Grow: Kush

    thought i would update on my baby's that are pretty much full grown women, no ones giong to to beleive me but besides the clone my tallest to are for sure females and im 90 percent positive the other two are female as well. check out the forest, btw, i made a new chamber for the clones i took...
  10. Lestat2888

    ACT Score?

    why would anyone retake it are you guys in high school still? + no excuses biatch haha
  11. Lestat2888

    ACT Score?

    29 to, highest in my shcool that year
  12. Lestat2888

    underwear time

    nough said. I was going to go to class today but i didnt feel like putting pants on. as you can see, i was half way their with the shirt
  13. Lestat2888

    what to do for leadpoisoning

    you didnt answer my important question, did you remove it because you absolutely have to. once that is done, all you have to do is eat a proper diet to balance the lead in your system or something, im not a nutritionist. Hey man, you need to start eating well now because it balances out the...
  14. Lestat2888

    20 Yo Virgin

  15. Lestat2888

    what to do for leadpoisoning

    P.P.S, post a picture of your wound
  16. Lestat2888

    what to do for leadpoisoning

    some people beleive in natural selection man, maybe not the best approach but undeniably if more people felt this way then the enivironment and such would be in better shape. Think of all the baby boomers that fucked up our social security and are unable to contribute anything economically...
  17. Lestat2888

    what to do for leadpoisoning

    i think your just worried, if you think you will be alright you have a better chance of pulling through something. I would remove that shit from your insides if you havent already. If you dont beleive in hospitals you better man up the old fashion way, drink a ton and get your friend in their...
  18. Lestat2888


    You just stepped in a big pile of shit it happens what happens... Shit? Yup.
  19. Lestat2888

    City dealers

    heres an idea and a damn good one. Your on rollitup right. Grow your own shit and in a couple months problem solved your smoking as high quality bud as you want and you dont have to deal with shady midwestern assholes with shitty weed and even shittier prices. P.S. major cities are never dry.
  20. Lestat2888

    20 Yo Virgin

    Wanna pick up chicks together, im always telling my socially retarted friends when girls like them. 20 year old virgin, your older than me but listen to my advice. If a chick talks to you, makes eye contact with you, smiles at you, or bumbs into you and laugh she will fuck most of the time if...