First Grow: Kush


Well-Known Member
im sorry guys, they are already germinated through paper towel method. i spaced man, they were germinated before i put them in the pot. my real problem is once they sprout in those pots they get about 3 quarters an inch tall then peel over. they could have been mistreated yes, but they were pretty young, unless the bud my buddy smoked was old, he knows better though so they were probaby young.
definetly get a fan going on them.think about what happens in think no wind is blowing on them?


Well-Known Member
not saying that the fan i the real problem but it would definetly help building stem i dont think miracle grow would be the best to use.


Active Member
probly lov'n em too much. Look dont touch, so much...
alright, i can do that, i dont touch em to much, im going to post up the last pics until the new seeds sprout and then ill update. check these out though, this is the 11 day old 6 inch tall plant. if anyone can tell me whats wrong with it i dont think its going to die immediatetly but it could be healthier. thanks for your help guys. and ill get a fan on them asap. i dont know if i told you guys but i have exhaust, when should i use it, i image its quite loud. its a td 100x midvent?



Active Member
not hot, i can put my hand less than 6 inches from the light and its hardly burns. it actually can get quite cold at night when their off but i have no idea how to fix that without burning up an excess of electricity.


Well-Known Member
you should invest in a thermometer. my closet can easily get up to 90 degrees but i ALWAYS keep temp at 75-80


Active Member
GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY. A clone has been added to my repituire? of plants. Its called Hog, its short for something i think, like hogs breath? who knows, but the grower said its 100 percent indica and it was more bomb than his sour kush. Bad news, its been a day and a half since i germinated 5 seeds and planted them and no seeds have begun to surface.

I am going to post pics of the plants as well as my non thriving 3 week old plant. This one continually has branches that twist so that instead of the whole leaf getting light, none of it does.

NOTE. I raised my light about six inches because i had the feeling all the plants except my one good plant were getting fried and that was possibly the reason they werent growing well. ill post pics later tonight

does anyone have any imput as to why one of my plants is thriving while the others are not?


Active Member
Check out pics of my new girl named Hog ( i guess) shes 100% indica and i just planted her today. Side note, look at the plant in the back of the first picture, you can see how one of the branches is bending akwardly on its own.



Active Member
Questions for anybody

First. One of my plants is almost a foot tall and is as good looking as any month old plant i have seen on the website and I want to get it to two feet before flowering, how much bigger do the plants get when they flower? do they double in size, triple, not grow at all?

Second Question.. Like i said, i have one good plant, they are under similar conditions and the other three i planted at similar times are and took the same care of are not looking as good. Whats going on. One of the plants has leaves that stick up and looks dry but i water it the same. One has stunted growth, and the other month old is about 8 inches tall but looks lifeless. My best plant has razor sharp cuts on its leaves and feels smooth as a sweet ass. The others plants are ugly step sisters (hopefully they are all sisters) and their leaves feel dry and like i said point up and down and twist and look bad. HELP ME


Active Member
hey, i need help venting my hydro hut, it was a gift so no instructions. i have no idea about how to vent anything, i have two vents though and some at that tinfoil shit that your drier vents through.


Active Member
I have a clone that i bought a month into growing my other plants and once it gets over a foot I am going to flower all of my plants. My biggest plant is up to 16 inches now with a 15 incher 14 inch plant and a 9 inch plant. I was wondering if a week or two is a good time to flower, im guessing I can get around a qp off my biggest plant if it turns out to be a female and im hoping that if i get the clone over a foot before it flowers that it will end up getting me a couple zones.

I would like to know if my estimates are pretty reasonable so somebody with experience (most of you) let me know please.


Active Member
Hey, im about ready to flower all of my plants, the clone is 11 inches tall now so once it hits 12 i will change the lighting cycle. What do you all think of the big crops, looking nice? Btw, the mold on the back plant is being taken care of, the fucking stale dry heat from the past week caused the mold, but i got that stuff.



Active Member
thought i would update on my baby's that are pretty much full grown women, no ones giong to to beleive me but besides the clone my tallest to are for sure females and im 90 percent positive the other two are female as well. check out the forest, btw, i made a new chamber for the clones i took as well.

