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  1. JWilson

    Turned the lights on 40 minutes late... Should this be a problem

    No. I do that sometimes too with my plants. Just make sure you make up for the time loss it had without light. So leave it off for an extra 40 minutes to make up for the 40 minutes you didn't have the lights off.
  2. JWilson

    Is this amount of curling normal??? 3 bagseeds

    No. They are fine. Mine are doing the same thing. I'm using mg soil as well. There's no yellowing on the plant so it's healthy. Mg soil isn't the best soil to grow pot in. Im assuming it's leaves are curling because of too much fertilizer in the mg soil. Don't worry about it. It won't die. Just...
  3. JWilson

    I Have a Question About Buds/ Flowers in Bloom and Water.

    Everyone in here needs to sit the hell down... Smoke a bowl.... And relax. :)
  4. JWilson

    Seedling Light Question

    Yes, one cfl would be good for up to 4 seedlings. But remember to increase the lights when they get older. If they are seedlings or ur waiting for it to germinate and become a seedling, it doesn't need to be any closer than 6 inches. It just has to be near the seedling.
  5. JWilson

    Is this a male? First time grow

    Yes. It is still to early to tell. But from the looks of it, it seems to be a male. Those round things seem to be pollen sacs from what it appears. But you have nothing to loose, so just keep it for another week to confirm it is a male... Or female.
  6. JWilson

    Will these light bulbs work?

    Hey, I used to have an aquarium tank, and i had these lights that i was using. will they work to grow marijuana plants? They are CFL'S right? so they should be able to help grow a plant right? I'm not 100% sure. They are two 25w bulbs. Will they work? Take a look at the pictures and let me know...
  7. JWilson

    First Grow Newbie ^.^

    I'm not 100% sure, but as long as he was to open the cabinet every day, just to check on them, I'm sure that would be enough ventilation. And the carbon dioxide he exhales would be good for the plant too. I thought most people just get the vents to sanitize the air to eliminate the weed smell...
  8. JWilson

    Help Me Out Please.

    This looks way to small to grow marijuana in. Having a dresser and ripping out all the shelves would be better in my opinion.
  9. JWilson

    First grow. Flower week 4. Update

    I can't wait till my plants flower. Yours are beautiful.
  10. JWilson

    New grower set-up and plant

    Hey. I know i don't have the best set up, but i think it's pretty descent. Here are a few pictures of my plant, and set-up. I'm growing California Orange Bud. It is A month and a week old. I have 2 CFL's and 1 fan on the low setting. Tell me what you guys think. Are there any changes i should...
  11. JWilson

    Help i have Root Aphids!!

    Are you sure they're not just gnats?
  12. JWilson

    Sprouting gone wrong?

    This is easy. If this is your first time grow, put on some sterilized gloves,(You never want to touch seedlings) Then lightly pull the seed casing off the plant. It should come off with no force at all. If you attempt to pull it off, and it doesn't just come off easily, then i would suggest...
  13. JWilson

    My damn dogs pissed in/on my plants/pots/soil

    Yeah, just flood it with water until the water that comes out from the bottom of the pot is clear.
  14. JWilson

    I've Smoked Weed for over 4 Decades; this is my First Attempt at Growing Anything.

    With all those plants tho, you're gonna need more space, and more light when they get into vegetative stage. But for right now, their just seedlings so it should be fine for a couple weeks.
  15. JWilson

    12/12 cfl First Grow ever!

    Hey! I'm growing California Orange bud too. I have some pics on my public album if you care to see. I don't think thats an auto flowering plant... Is it? It's growing slowly because you basically skipped vegetative stage. Your light cycle is all wrong. You should have had it on a 24hr cycle for...
  16. JWilson

    Come see what I squeezed outta my cola!

    That doesn't look like a good thing. :0
  17. JWilson

    Day 2 and i already have mold, what do i do?

    Yes, Responses in this are very correct. The mold is the cause of their being too much moisture (water). Before you water, make sure the top of the soil is crusty (Dryish). Lift the pot and make sure it's light. Make sure you have GOOD DRAINAGE. Make sure there are small holes on the bottom of...
  18. JWilson

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    So far, looks good. I'm on my first grow as well. My plant however is over a month old. Around a month and a half. It's doing really well. Hope yours turn out well. :)
  19. JWilson

    plz help , is this ready ?

    Those buds look really good. The hairs look amber, so i would say they look ready. From your description, it sounds like they are ready. Just make sure you flush them before pulling them out. How long have they been budding for?