Seedling Light Question

so, i have some 26watt cfls (6 total), but I am not sure how many I need to put over my seedling sprout...and how far above should I place the lights?

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
If it is showing green leaves I'd put them all on it at about 6 inches. Later on you want to get them in to one inch. If too far away, cfls will make sprouts stretch to the light.
so what if its not showing any leaves many should I use for a seedling that has just sprouted from the soil?


Well-Known Member
one would get it going, but youll want to increase them quick. i find T8 floros work great, they dont get hot enough to burn the plant, I can let em grow right into the tubes and they are fine.


Yes, one cfl would be good for up to 4 seedlings. But remember to increase the lights when they get older. If they are seedlings or ur waiting for it to germinate and become a seedling, it doesn't need to be any closer than 6 inches. It just has to be near the seedling.
thanks for the input, for a seedling that has just sprouted, 1 cfl would work at about 6 inches, but increase the light and reduce the distance as the plant ages...i think i got that....i just planted a germed seed in my soil yesterday morning, but i think i fucked up and killed my last seedling by giving it too much light, too close, too soon...just wanna make sure i don't make the same mistake, so i needed some advice before this one sprouts from the soil. thanks again.