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  1. docsativa

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    I love house & garden. COuld never go wrong with it. I love how easy it is, plus they are coco specific which makes it simple. Ive used earthjuice before, and loved the organic smell and taste of my soil. but house &garden blows them outa the water when it comes to yield and over-all health of...
  2. docsativa

    foxfarm bad now roots organic is bad.....lets try miracle grow

    Start using coco coir. I love it never had a problem with it. For nutes ive used, earth juice- grow, boom cat,alyst, Mycos, and molasses. Then i recently switched to house & garden coco a&b. I loved the earthjuice but was getting to smelly for indoors. house & garden rocks!
  3. docsativa

    Outdoor Arizona Bud

    Yea my friend got his mmj card for some crazy shit thats wrong with his teeth. He got it about a month ago.
  4. docsativa

    Outdoor Arizona Bud

    These will be going outdoors today.. cant wait to see how they turn out by the end of sept.
  5. docsativa

    Outdoor Arizona Bud

    Hey me
  6. docsativa

    Outdoor Arizona Bud

    Hey 1freezy they survived the freeze I had to cover them with some big garbage bins over them for about 2weeks. 2 of them got a little cold burn. It doesnt snow in my area. Nice and sunny all the time =)
  7. docsativa

    New 'Hail' grow medium looks promising! Anyone tried it yet?

    Have been using coco for quite some time now, willl look into this.
  8. docsativa

    Outdoor Arizona Bud

    Anwered my own question here. I transplanted a sharksbreath i had indoor to my backyard Nov. 16. My plant is doing great. Yesterday was nearly freezing temps in my area. Tonight the forecasted low is supposed to be around 28f. Ive been using stakes to put a tarp over her the last couple nights...
  9. docsativa

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I have gotten mold before but it always stayed in the surface, it went away for a couple days after each watering. I dont know if its b/c the organic nutes or the temps, but ive never had a problem with mold on the plant itself.
  10. docsativa

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    This one ready??
  11. docsativa

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Ok so here is my sharksbreath 1 week ago in 1.5 gal cocoThis is it today i started flushing and feeding water/molasses 1 week ago. Is this normal for coco? Never had one get this yellow on me
  12. docsativa

    Medi legalization in AZ

    Im with stonedche$$ but, ive been on top of that for the last couple years. Just thought it would be cool if i could get my card and get a lot of stress off my shoulders. I hope it is appealed and that it is ruled unconstitutional.
  13. docsativa

    Pott, Mg, or both??

    Ok. Ya i noticed the chlorosis but i dont know if its because i have my plant too close to the light. I sprayed with epsom salts. Its staying green now. thanks:mrgreen:
  14. docsativa

    Pott, Mg, or both??

    Ok so im about 7 weeks into flower and my leaves are doing this :?:
  15. docsativa

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    epfsi, how far away are your lights? If you're using cfls i would keep them close to prevent stretching. If they keep getting taller top them. You're early enough in flower to do so.
  16. docsativa

    Medi legalization in AZ

    Thats Not cool I hope they let us grow anyways here in Phoenix! Its really stupid if we wont be allowed to grow and forced to buy or become a dispenser
  17. docsativa

    slow growth, 7th week from seed (pics)

    Jack your little plant is fine. Dont rush it. you can get away with using those pots but with 3 cfls your yield will be minute.
  18. docsativa

    Medi legalization in AZ

    Well Im just waiting to get my card. Tired of worrying about the stuff in my closet all the time lol
  19. docsativa

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    [How Much Longer On These???:confused: 3Weeks maybe?