Medi legalization in AZ


Yeah that's logical. Kind of what I was thinking in the back of my mind.

Damn though.. people have to move across the damn state to grow huh?

I have a similar discussion going on in the legalization forum. I actually think that provision is going to eventually be ruled unconstitutional on the basis of equal rights and protections. Not everybody will be able to afford dispensary prices. Growing literally costs just pennies on the dollar. It seems ridiculous to me that you would only extend that privilege and protection to just patients that live on the outskirts of town. That seems like geographical discrimination to me. If your within 25 miles and you grow and get caught. It seems like you would be paying a hefty price based on a technicality. It's about the medicine! You can't force a certain group of patients to buy from a high priced dispensary and allow others to grow their own which is cost effective. I think the first time this is brought before a judge, and appealed. It will eventually be ruled unconstitutional. From what I also know about state initiatives you can't take privileges away, you can only add on.

$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
I'm probably gonna get some seeds & have a sweet grow closet regardless of what these lawmaker-fags tell us. If I wanna sell to a dispensary I can use a friend's adress who is in a location that's legal to grow, I guess. idk how all that shiit works. All I kno is I'm not movin to the middle of the desert so I can grow. It's far enough to get to work already xD


Well-Known Member
This is AZ for petes sake! Land of mandatory insurance and Corporate Prisons. Setting up a 25 mile radius makes perfect sense from the business aspect that has moved in to rule our state. So unless it is ruled unconstitutional which is highly doubtful, your only option is to grow for the dispensaries. Dept of health is still holding the cards pretty close and hasnt given any info on how to become a grower yet. Although if you have that info please share.


Active Member
Im with stonedche$$ but, ive been on top of that for the last couple years. Just thought it would be cool if i could get my card and get a lot of stress off my shoulders. I hope it is appealed and that it is ruled unconstitutional.


Well-Known Member
AZPHS is asking for public imput on the implementation of the law. if you would like to subscribe for updates you can also do that on the web site. It does not look as if there will be a concrete plan in place until 03/11.