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  1. I

    Humboldt14 2014 Outdoor Grow

    Sub'd up, Cant wait to see these ladies in the ground man! Just set up my tent with a mere 8 plants in 45 gal's, wish i had more space!
  2. I

    gh GROW ?

    They look like they haven't even started to flower yet, or maybe they have just finished their stretch to start flower? Anyways I think you maybe mistaken with how the 60 day thing works, They will finish around 60 days after your first signs of preflowers, not 60 days after you have planted...
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    Male plant pollen and hermi female...

    no, the seed companies spray the seed with a hormone to " feminize " it and thats why " feminized " seeds have a good chance to hermie.
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    Cracking difficult seeds by hand.

    Ive done this myself with my fingers, things turned out fine for me. I only did it because of the same reason i had a bunch of seeds that popped and a few that still felt really solid so i just gently squeezed them ( yeah right took alot of pressure ) to crack the seem slightly, and they popped...
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    are my girls ready?? (first grow)

    From my experience, they don't look ready, looks like they need ATLEAST another week to go if not 2 wait till the pistil's receed and the caylex's swell, and pluck all those dead leafs off. Only sure fire way to tell is with a microscope, pick one up from radio shack if they are around you. 100x...
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    ready for harvest ?? first indoor grow, White diesel

    your sugar leaves will start to fold slightly up and will have a slight amber tint to the whole bud when it is ready to chop. ( Best way to tell if you don't have a loop )
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    first grow, week 4, Grand Daddy purple(GDP), and BlackBerry Kush(BBK)

    Lookin good on those both! Keep us updated!