ready for harvest ?? first indoor grow, White diesel


hey folks :)
it's my first time growing indoor :)
my system is DWC with CFL
closet grow.. :)

but i dont got any loop to check out when to harvest so was hopring
you could help me? :)


kbo ca

Active Member
I agree, you still have a few weeks to go before they are ripe. Looking good though. Nice job for your first run!


it is a bad idea to cut the top? one of the girls look more ready than the other? :)
see for yourselfIMG_0095.jpgIMG_0096.jpgIMG_0098.jpg

and btw thanks for help folks:)


Well-Known Member
I'd give at least 2-3 weeks. Maybe update with new pics every week and you'll get better feedback as you get closer to harvest.
your sugar leaves will start to fold slightly up and will have a slight amber tint to the whole bud when it is ready to chop. ( Best way to tell if you don't have a loop )


Active Member
Looks somewhere round that time, id wait 5-7 more days just to be sure. An extra 5-7 days can't hurt.
Good lookin plants


Well-Known Member
I would not even be cosidering cutting them yet at least a fortnight still or you will be smoking wisps of nothing when its dry


Thanks for The postes!
Oka, ill wait 5-6 dayes, but is it a bad ider to Cut The top? And let The lower bud's grow a little more:)?

And dó you guys know a good and easy Way to dry it ?:)