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  1. Beginner Budd

    Trying to change time

    I got all well most of my supplies from a hydro store, i try and stay off the online sites just so i dont leave a paper trail but i guess thats just me. The carbon filter was $200 but it does wonders for removing the smell and the heat from my room. Was going to build my own CF but couldnt bring...
  2. Beginner Budd

    Trying to change time

    Yeah that second pic is my inline fan and the big white thing is my carbon filter. I also put a hood on my HPS last night and all my plants have grown 2"in over night because of it! They even got "bushy" haha cant wait till tonight or tomorrow morning to check on them again. I'll put some pics...
  3. Beginner Budd

    Male vs. Female

    I want buds not seeds lol Its like what every stoner wants
  4. Beginner Budd

    Male vs. Female

    Very good link helped me out alot! thanks man +rep
  5. Beginner Budd

    Trying to change time

    Yeah for sure i have one here. This is my carbon filter and fan. Dont look at the t5 lights those are long gone and the first pic is how everything looks right now So your saying i should be in flowering right now? My plants are only a foot tall though :? and still not sure about the sex of...
  6. Beginner Budd

    Male vs. Female

    sorry the pics are kinda bad lol but this is my first time learning the sex of my plants and dont wanna start pulling the wrong plants
  7. Beginner Budd

    Male vs. Female

    the on on the left is i believe is female and the one on the right is male cause of the little balls. all of my plants look like females the pic on the left
  8. Beginner Budd

    Male vs. Female

    I currently have 11 plants and they are just starting to show signs of sex. I know i have one male plant but all the others have 2 tiny little "stems" on the 4th branch up this is my first grow and just looking for any for sure signs i have females? Also do i just get rid of my males like pull...
  9. Beginner Budd

    Trying to change time

    My room is 6 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 foot room with a carbon filter 6" fan 600w HPS bulb. Im looking into getting a MH bulb for flowering as well
  10. Beginner Budd

    Trying to change time

    Thanks man :-P I have worked very hard on them and very proud of my babys Im just excited to have my plants all grown up and still wondering how long to wait till i put them into 12/12
  11. Beginner Budd

    Trying to change time

    Sorry some of my pics are orange lol its just my HPS
  12. Beginner Budd

    Trying to change time

    I can get some pictures here one second lol Space isnt an issue if my math is correct they can get 5-6 feet tall per plant so im not worried about height :-D Im trying to get the most yield i can but still being a first time grower im still working out the small things like what to look for on...
  13. Beginner Budd

    Trying to change time

    Im a first time grower and have a really good idea on what im doing in my grow room but could always use more advice. I know every plant is different but i was wondering when to change my light cycle to 12/12? My plants are over 4 weeks old about a foot tall and one of my plants has a set of...
  14. Beginner Budd

    stoner needs some stoner advice on indoor growing x_X

    Im a first time grower as well and my plants had those "little poles" BUT they turned into little leaves that branched out and made leaves that branch out and so on. So nothing to worry about its just the plants life Good luck buddy
  15. Beginner Budd

    1 Month and 4 days old

    Same here. Mine are around 4 weeks old and only like 1/3 the size! Whats your secret?? +rep if you tell lol
  16. Beginner Budd

    Moving Plants

    Must be a long street you live on lol I would say keep them on the floor and covered in your truck or car you dont want people seeing what your working on. Tinted windows will help haha Make sure you follow all traffic laws and dont draw attention to yourself so you dont get pulled over and...
  17. Beginner Budd

    400w HPS to 600w HPS a good jump?

    I have a 6 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 foot room with 10 plants. When i got my 600w HPS my heat jumped 15'C and had to add some more air flow. If you can keep your heat down i say go for it! A 600w will do wonders for your plants
  18. Beginner Budd

    No harvest thread? :(

    Haha oops my bad looks like i didnt look hard enough dam this is good smoke
  19. Beginner Budd

    When should i put up my HPS?? Also when should i give nutrients pics enclosed thanks!

    I waited a couple weeks before i set up my HPS but i started with my nutes 1 week after i planted them. Everyone is different and im still learning haha but i water them every other day and give them nutes once or twice a week Hopes that gives you an idea
  20. Beginner Budd

    No harvest thread? :(

    Im just doing some more research and i have noticed there is no "how to" on harvesting or a separate forum on RIU :( Does anyone have step by step on the proper way to harvest? Any little tips and tricks, how long should i wait till i harvest? Any info would be really helpful