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  1. velhinha

    Money Laundering

    This is an interesting topic. I’ve often wondered how the cartel does it. I think they open small businesses like taco trucks, nail salons & thrift stores. I always wondered as I was walking through outdoor flea markets how those sock guys sold enough pairs of socks to make a living...
  2. velhinha

    Hello from Washington State

    Thank you Liberty, I think you're right :). I hope you find the right solution for what you are going through too. I have thought about it so much since you posted and I keep coming back to the same thing, I am so grateful that my sister had the treatment she did, when she had it. I don't know...
  3. velhinha

    hello from grandmama

    yes, liberty I do. Let me also add that though I firmly believe that we each have a right to choose our own medical treatment be it alternative or not, I also have had numerous family members who have had or currently do have cancer. My sister caught her breast cancer early and went the...
  4. velhinha

    hello from grandmama

    I just know what I would do, if I felt as you do about how you wish to treat my own cancer and I lived in your state. First I would contact these folks: If I got no where fast with them, I would temporarily move out of the state to a state that did allow...
  5. velhinha

    hello from grandmama

    really sorry to hear of your cancer as well. It really seems to me cancer is an epidemic, I know so many people who have it or have had it. Many people choose to use non conventional methods. I don't know what State you live in but it's possible obtain a "card" and go to a dispensary. I've also...
  6. velhinha

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    Just wanted to give you some kudos Clayton, it's been awhile since I've laughed this hard. I appreciate people with imagination and humor. Life is serious enough.
  7. velhinha

    So I'm new at the HPS/MH setup's

    Hey, Ranger. Theres a kit on ebay @hpsgrowlightstore for 135.00 w/free shipping. It looks very comparable to what you linked.
  8. velhinha

    Hello from Washington State

    Western Wa here, coastal region.
  9. velhinha

    Hello from Washington State

    LOL Brickman.....cookies...... sounds like a pleasant way to go.
  10. velhinha

    Hello from Washington State

    Thanks for the welcome Finshaggy and the info. I'll try the Indica next week. I have a high pain tolerance and a low med tolerance. My hope is to find something that allows better daily function and higher energy. I read about a strain being developed called "K" strain that held some promise...
  11. velhinha

    Hello from Washington State

    Hello to you as well Brickman51. If there was one do over in my life it would be to choose NOT have to the first spinal surgery. I am happy for you that you were able to miss that ride. For those of us that live pain there are so many losses involved within it. I pine for the old days of...
  12. velhinha

    Hello from Washington State

    DSB65 thank you for the welcome. @Stonerman I live on the coast, not far from Forks. It's pretty here in this state. We have a very varied climate depending on which side of the Cascades you live so it's worth doing some research to see which climate you'd prefer. I personally love the woods...
  13. velhinha

    Hello from Washington State

    My story began a billion years ago with a cruel biological father who drank a fifth a day and liked to beat on his offspring for sport, I was usually 3rd in line. Now a days that may happen less (hopefully) but back in the day it was common as I learned from friends years later. Later in my...