hello from grandmama


Active Member
Hi sweeties. I joined this forum some time ago, wanting to learn from others about growing God's medicine
for healing. I was shy and never could speak up, being old and feeling like I would not fit in. I never went
through with growing God's medicine in the past but now the Doctor said I have breast cancer.

They want to cut the tumor out and follow with chemo and radiation. Then inject this extremely painful dye
which will go to the sentinel lymph node to locate it, then cut it out and biopsy it to see if it has spread into the
lymph nodes under my arm. If the cancer has spread into the lymph nodes, more cutting out followed by
more chemo and radiation.

God help me. I do believe He has truly provided His children the means to heal themselves through
Genesis 1:29....

The doctor actually wanted me to make a decision right then and there. I said I need to think about it
and left his office. I went home and starting researching the internet for natural cures for breast cancer.

The American Cancer Society's website wrote about alternative herbs and spoke of marijuana. Then
I watched Rick Simpson's documentary.

The only thing which worries me is will the cancer spread before I have time to grow God's medicine,
then cook it. It seems the timeframe will take 6 months.

Sorry I'm long winded. I haven't told any of my loved ones I have this disease. I'm going to go this
alone. Some one will bound to slip and tell what I am doing. I don't want to end up in prison.

Looking forward to meeting the members of this forum.

God Bless you, grandmama


Well-Known Member
welcome to the site, no need to be shy here. how does marijuana cure breast cancer? sorry but i havent seen(or heard of) the documentry you speak of.


Active Member
Thanks for the welcome. I'll cure my cancer.
Moderator, I didn't know what the rules are so I sent you a private message with the youtube link to watch
the video.


really sorry to hear of your cancer as well. It really seems to me cancer is an epidemic, I know so many people who have it or have had it. Many people choose to use non conventional methods. I don't know what State you live in but it's possible obtain a "card" and go to a dispensary. I've also heard of people going to another state, getting a card and getting their medicine that way. If time is of the essence that could be an option.


Active Member
velhinha, thanks so much for the advise, much appreciated. I went and saw the various states for medicinal purposes.
I don't live in a state where this is in law (Arkansas).

Dear, may I ask what do I do?

I need the cannabis oil, organic. 1#=2 grams of the oil for the cure. Cancer can't be cured with raw marijuana.


velhinha, thanks so much for the advise, much appreciated. I went and saw the various states for medicinal purposes.
I don't live in a state where this is in law (Arkansas).

Dear, may I ask what do I do?

I need the cannabis oil, organic. 1#=2 grams of the oil for the cure. Cancer can't be cured with raw marijuana.
I just know what I would do, if I felt as you do about how you wish to treat my own cancer and I lived in your state. First I would contact these folks: http://www.mpp.org/states/arkansas/ If I got no where fast with them, I would temporarily move out of the state to a state that did allow medical marijuana. Personally, if I had the time to grow it and I felt it would cure my own cancer I would do it. But that's me. You have to do what your are comfortable doing. I am very sorry you do not live in a state that allows you to have a legal choice.


Well-Known Member
The way to get rid of it is cut it out, followed by radiation as the doctors advised, dont waste your time and money on snake oil remedys of the net. If doc says it will work use it, if not forget it. The pain your going thru I feel for you ,dont let people take advantage of you.


Thanks velhinha.

Do you live in a mm state?
yes, liberty I do. Let me also add that though I firmly believe that we each have a right to choose our own medical treatment be it alternative or not, I also have had numerous family members who have had or currently do have cancer. My sister caught her breast cancer early and went the conventional road of surgery to remove it followed by chemo and radiation. She has now been cancer free for 5 years. My brother was diagnosed with melanoma and given one year--that was over 7 years ago. He also went the conventional road of surgery, chemo and radiation. He is not cancer free now but continues to qualify for many trial treatments because of his terminal status. So far he is still alive. My mother recently passed of cancer after nearly two years battling it, her cancer was not discovered in the early stages. Something that helped my sister when she was initially diagnosed was support groups. She too was alone and scared. Liberty, don't try to go through this by yourself. If you feel you can't or choose not to share this burden with your family, please look for support from groups in your area. Many times if you check with your local library they will have info on where those groups are at. Here is a link to people who have survived the same cancer as you http://cancerhopenetwork.org. I do respect your choice to treat your cancer how you wish, but don't put all your eggs in one basket. I will watch the link you posted and keep you in my prayers.


Well-Known Member
grandmama, i watched that video and it looks good but it scares the hell out of me to think of what if its just snake oil like budz said. cancer is scary and i dont know what is really best. it actually scares me to share my opinion even as this is life and death stuff here. i been contemplating it all day at work.


Active Member
hello back at you cali closet grower.

dark, i understand, i too am scared. i believe it is a matter of faith...can't see it. what i do know from people i know is the
power of God's garden from Gen. 1:29. juicing veggies on a recovery diet from hallelujah acres. but it takes from 12-18
months 12 times a day plus 2 meals of raw veggies and i've started it twice and then have failed to stay on it. God
gave us all we need from His garden to stay healthy. Why did He give us cannabis? i don't think it was just for our