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  1. M

    60 day auto - week 8 yellow leaves all over

    think I figured out my problem. I'made a major NOOB mistake and been adjusting my PH before adding my nutes. I think over time the soil has become to acidic and this has caused the yellowing of leaves. I have flushed it with plain water with a PH of 6.5, then mixed up a fresh half strength nute...
  2. M

    60 day auto - week 8 yellow leaves all over

    negative, don't smoke and there is no smoking in the house. I'm curious, this is a DNA genetics seed, can the virus be spread through the seed?
  3. M

    60 day auto - week 8 yellow leaves all over

    Thanks for the reply guys, Here's some pics, It's hard to get the color temperature right under the HPS lamp so I also took another pic of a leaf under different lighting, it shows more of whats happening to the leaves. The plant is in day 54 and I hope it will be ready in another 12 days. Cheers.
  4. M

    60 day auto - week 8 yellow leaves all over

    Hi All, I have a 60 day auto which seems like it's going great but all the leaves are turning yellow. From researching it seems like that there is a nitrogen deficiency but since it's near the end of the plants life I'm not sure if I should try to fix this or if it's normal for ALL the leaves...
  5. M

    Growing auto flowers for that big yield.

    Thank you for sharing your technique 70'sdiver, incredibly informative. I've just started a 60 day auto wonder but using the full Canna range, i'm thinking i might use 1/4 strength Rhizotonic after the first week, just to get that root system going.
  6. M

    Quick Question re Lighting into flower

    I hoped out of 9 seeds I would get 3 or 4 and 1 of those would be female. Lucked out with only 1 germinating. Fucking hard to get good seeds where I am, can only keep trying. Cheers Man, will let you know how I go.
  7. M

    Quick Question re Lighting into flower

    Yeah, thats exactly what I've been doing. I FIM'd it 2 nights ago, waiting to see the results. Everything I have read says 4 weeks of vegging but since I FIM'd late I will have to veg it longer, what do you think?
  8. M

    Quick Question re Lighting into flower

    When I potted them about 6cm, then I backed that off to about 9cm, now it's about 12cm. Week 2-3 there wasn't much vertical growth so I extended the gap to 12cm and it seems like now they are stretching a little. It was getting quite bushy underneath.
  9. M

    Quick Question re Lighting into flower

    Actual. last night put in 2 x 48W 5000K which I'm going to swap to 2700K when I go into flowering.
  10. M

    Quick Question re Lighting into flower

    Germinated them in wet paper towel, this seed popped in the first couple of days, then the root grew crazy long in one day so I immediately potted it. So far it's been begging for 4 weeks to the day under 130W 5600K CFL. Feeding with Canna Vega and using Cannazym. Here's a pic from the same...
  11. M

    Quick Question re Lighting into flower

    Thanks man, I was reading and searching through RIU but sometimes I just want to ask the question, Since I'm new I don't really know anyone on here and sometimes is a good way of starting a conversation with people. I'm just growing from bag seed. Can't buy seeds where I live. I grew the last...
  12. M

    Quick Question re Lighting into flower

    Thanks, What's the advantage of running dual spectrum over just 2700K ? I can run both but just want to understand the advantage of running both colour temps. Cheers
  13. M

    Quick Question re Lighting into flower

    Hi everyone, My grow has been in veg for 4 weeks with 5600K CFL, When I put the 2700K in for flowering do I keep the 5600K? Newb question I know, but my first indoor grow. Cheers
  14. M

    Can I FIM or is it too late

    Thanks man, I plan on having a 130W 2700K lamp, 4 x smaller 30W 2700K bulbs and leaving the 130W 6500K in there also, then ScrOG.
  15. M

    Can I FIM or is it too late

    Hello RIU, Just wanting some advice, Is it too late to FIM this plant? This plant is 4 weeks of 12/12 under a single CFL 6500K grow lamp. The first pistols have begun to show and I'm worried it's too late to FIM. Thanks.