60 day auto - week 8 yellow leaves all over


Hi All,

I have a 60 day auto which seems like it's going great but all the leaves are turning yellow. From researching it seems like that there is a nitrogen deficiency but since it's near the end of the plants life I'm not sure if I should try to fix this or if it's normal for ALL the leaves to yellow before the end of it's flowering cycle. I've had other plants where the lower leaves turn yellow but not ALL of them. I'm using canna soil and canna nutes following a 4 week terra and 4 week flores nute cycle. At 5 weeks I flushed the soil. PH has been 6.0 and EC never exceeds 1.0 .. This is also the first time I have used the entire canna range including Cannaboost, pk 13-14, Rhizotonic and Cannazym. Please let me know if a pic would help. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Hi All,

I have a 60 day auto which seems like it's going great but all the leaves are turning yellow. From researching it seems like that there is a nitrogen deficiency but since it's near the end of the plants life I'm not sure if I should try to fix this or if it's normal for ALL the leaves to yellow before the end of it's flowering cycle. I've had other plants where the lower leaves turn yellow but not ALL of them. I'm using canna soil and canna nutes following a 4 week terra and 4 week flores nute cycle. At 5 weeks I flushed the soil. PH has been 6.0 and EC never exceeds 1.0 .. This is also the first time I have used the entire canna range including Cannaboost, pk 13-14, Rhizotonic and Cannazym. Please let me know if a pic would help. Thanks in advance.
Sounds like a simple N def friend. Just add a bit of N to your regular feed if your still in the middle of flower (more than 2 weeks left). If your towards the end I would just say let her go and just let her start to die. She'll be easier to trim and less time to dry when harvest time comes along.

P.S: Pics ALWAYS help :)


Active Member
some plants do yellow in the last week or two of flowering. the plant is sucking all available sugars from the leaves in preperations of finishing. But like Awnox said, pics always help.


Thanks for the reply guys, Here's some pics, It's hard to get the color temperature right under the HPS lamp so I also took another pic of a leaf under different lighting, it shows more of whats happening to the leaves. The plant is in day 54 and I hope it will be ready in another 12 days. Cheers.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply guys, Here's some pics, It's hard to get the color temperature right under the HPS lamp so I also took another pic of a leaf under different lighting, it shows more of whats happening to the leaves. The plant is in day 54 and I hope it will be ready in another 12 days. Cheers.

View attachment 2194396View attachment 2194397
Looks a little bit longer than 2 weeks left, maybe another 20 days at the minimum, I would leave it and not add any extra N at this point; just let it finish.



Well-Known Member
do you smoke in your house, around your plants or handle the plants after you smoke? That leaf with the middle leaf pointing sideways is a clear indicator of the tobacco mosaic virus. The virus will make some leaves grow and bend like that..making it look deformed, and also it will bleach the chlorophyll out of your plants slowly turning them bright yellow to white with brown necrotic patches starting after the yellowing sets in.

example picture:
View attachment 2194435


do you smoke in your house, around your plants or handle the plants after you smoke? That leaf with the middle leaf pointing sideways is a clear indicator of the tobacco mosaic virus. The virus will make some leaves grow and bend like that..making it look deformed, and also it will bleach the chlorophyll out of your plants slowly turning them bright yellow to white with brown necrotic patches starting after the yellowing sets in.

example picture:
View attachment 2194435
negative, don't smoke and there is no smoking in the house. I'm curious, this is a DNA genetics seed, can the virus be spread through the seed?


think I figured out my problem. I'made a major NOOB mistake and been adjusting my PH before adding my nutes. I think over time the soil has become to acidic and this has caused the yellowing of leaves. I have flushed it with plain water with a PH of 6.5, then mixed up a fresh half strength nute mix of only cana terra vega, then adjusted the PH to 6.5. The problem started appearing when I added the PK 13/14 around week 5 or 6, my guess is this really started to bring down the PH level of the soil.


Well-Known Member
60 days on an auto ??

You're done my friend. Yellowing is normal as the plant uses up excess Nitrogen. The last thing u want now is to add N. this is the exact reason why we flush - so the plant uses it up and we don't taste it in the smoke. 7-10 days no food, water only and CUT !!!!!