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    day 60 of my first 60 day wonder

    what breeders say should only ever be taken as a guide. watch development closely and harvest based on what you see.
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    Minor pests and leaf burn on an otherwise thriving outdoor plant

    bifenthrin is a good systemic miticide. not organic though...
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    Humidity and mold

    nail that pm before it nails your plants!
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    HELP! Plant issues!

    did you take the temp when you found them?
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    Auto flower??

    keep light on them for as long as possible to maximize there growth before they flower. if you do this you up the yield you'll end up getting
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    what is the best marijuana strain to make hash

    whatever you have on hand is the best plant
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    what do u use to sweeten your buds?

    spot on!........
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    Mycorraza in super soil discussion

    careful with the addition of blood meal if using mycorrhizas. the high n levels with makes the mycos go dormant.
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    Topped these 2 weeks ago and....

    i often think natural topping works really well. i've had plants munched down to virtual stumps which have subsequently turned into awesome bushes. not always the case though...sometimes they are destroyed by that.
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    outdoor hole

    how much you water depends on the soil type. what kinda soil are you growing in? i know you said you put her in good soil, but what about the soil around her (the "native dirt")? If it's clay rich, you've gotta be careful with watering or you'll drown her.
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    Whats your favorite thing to do with Trimmings?

    hash, bho or cook them up into butter or brownies