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  1. I

    is there anyone that can answer this ?

    No he said that you can't use the co2 when using the dry ice :hump:
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    is there anyone that can answer this ?

    Well why would I take the advice he got from a buddy he knows I don't want kill off my girls right so let him do it first lol then ill post it up if it does or not
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    is there anyone that can answer this ?

    I heard that it will strangle them not to sure but i get that it can kill the plants so ill wait for my buddy to try it first lol and let him kill his off first if that's the case
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    is there anyone that can answer this ?

    Will dry ice kill spider mites :hump:
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    takin clones help have a ?

    Alright thank you the growermojo :hump:
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    takin clones help have a ?

    K but yea was talkin bout 1 or two
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    takin clones help have a ?

    Thanks but talking bout the plant that's in flowering taking a clone from that would it hurt the yield in the end or not
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    takin clones help have a ?

    Thanks guys for the info I'm just worried they might not produce as much is all
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    takin clones help have a ?

    Is it a good idea to take clones while in flower? :hump:
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    ? on carbon filters

    Ok so generally they last 12 to 18 months either way thanks guys :hump:
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    ? on carbon filters

    approximately how long will a 8 inch carbon filter last 1 or 2 cycles years or what just wondering how often they need to be replaced thank you for your time guys :hump:
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    lighting differences

    That's a good way to look at it 50w per sq ft and not to mention money and size of grow space thanks guys :hump:
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    lighting differences

    I've heard that 400w lights are the best way to go I'm wondering why would they make a 1000w if that's the case so I am just wondering what every1 elses input is on this which will yield more 1000w or 400w or are in fact the same ? :hump:
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    ? on mmp and dot cards to drive truck

    Man ok then its not worth it to me then I figured that it wouldn't matter to the boss but I thought I would ask just in case. Thank you all for answering me
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    ? on mmp and dot cards to drive truck

    Well now that sucks that you have to give it up but thanks for the info
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    ? on mmp and dot cards to drive truck

    Ok what I need to know is can you have both of these cards or do you have to give one up for the other ?
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    If I flower now? YouTube video of plants

    Lol dude there is an s at the end of bulbs so try 3000 total watts hps but still only 2 oz a plant that's not good enough they will veg for 5 more weeks then thanx for the tip :hump:
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    need a little help please

    Man they look nice and happy :hump:
  19. I

    If I flower now? YouTube video of plants

    Ok guys the bulbs are 1000 watt hps all organic nuts with a co2 goin as well I had my buddy post this for me I'm just curious to know what id get if I put them into flower state now how much per plant estimation is all I'm asking for please and thanx all lights are 1k watts :hump:
  20. I

    need a little help please

    Bought some clones man