takin clones help have a ?


you can but would suggest doing it during veg next time. your going to confuse the clone cause your going to need to put it back to 18/6 into veg and take it out of flower. hope it helps good luck man


Well-Known Member
Is it a good idea to take clones while in flower? :hump:
It's a better idea to take them while the plant is in veg as the poster above stated, but I have been forced to take clones late in flower and they take long to root and may show signs of flowering still (single bladed leaves) but they will be fine.



Well-Known Member
Not a good idea. Vegging is when a plant grows, flowering is when they mature. What do you want your clone to do, grow?
Then don't clone a flowering plant.

You could just let the plant flower and harvest to re-grow. That way you get the benefit of product and time invested smartly.
After she has been re-vegging a couple weeks you can clone her then.



Well-Known Member
lots of bad info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is fine to take a clone from a budding plant it is harder to clone and will probably have to veg a week longer than normal but other than that no reason not to. Bigsteve guess thats why you have no rep and 400+ posts .And i will provide a pic or two to prove my point feel free to rep someone that actually helps you :mrgreen: 044.jpg045.jpg100_3179.jpg here is the clone 2 1/2 weeks later.


Well-Known Member
lots of bad info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is fine to take a clone from a budding plant it is harder to clone and will probably have to veg a week longer than normal but other than that no reason not to. Bigsteve guess thats why you have no rep and 400+ posts .And i will provide a pic or two to prove my point feel free to rep someone that actually helps you :mrgreen: View attachment 2174796View attachment 2174797View attachment 2174798 here is the clone 2 1/2 weeks later.
hey man isnt there any other way of taking clones? i mean do i have to use rockwool or whatever its called? cant figure out why i havent cloned not ONE plant yet haha


Well-Known Member
i have tried about every way out there and by far the easiest is the rock wool cubes a cfl light and a clear plastic shoe box or humidity dome .JUst got to make sure you soak the cubes in a ph'd solution for at least 24 hrs. i get 100% rates and i don't even hardly try :-? also you don't need all the hocus pocus shit you hear with cloning gel, root hormones ,sterile blades all bunch of shit i use the same dirty ass scissors i have used for years and no nutes or hormones.try to keep your temp around 80 deg. should be golden. oh and finally don't overwater the cubes you just want them slightly moist not wringing wet.Hope this helps ya some.


Well-Known Member
yeah it helps alot actually. now i just gotta continue my journey on finding the perfect strain to clone.


Thanks but talking bout the plant that's in flowering taking a clone from that would it hurt the yield in the end or not


Active Member
How many clones are ya taking? jus one? The affect to yield should be minimal. But like stated it'll prolly take a good month to get it started!