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  1. S


    Yo.... Anyone have any thoughts on carameliscious? I've been growing white widow and I'm thinking about trying something else.
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    Yeah Hi..... I'm new :) nice to meet you..

    Hmmmmm must be a lot of sleepy heads.. Or pot heads... Round here lol
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    What Strain are YOU Smokin???

    I received them as clones but I'm told it's the original, although what I've seen of the original on the Internet it should be a very bushy plant. These ladies are more slender and tall. Weird or no?
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    Which way for air flow

    First option sounds the best to me!! I might do that!!
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    Is My LED Bleaching/Killing My Plants??? Pictures

    Frickin brilliant.. Where has this thing been all my life?!?
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    Letting Water sit out

    I let my water sit out....... Cuz I don't use it all at once.. Maybe I'm wrong it I was always under the impression that leaving it out would distill it.. Hmm
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    8 Weeks old. Preflowers are there.

    Uh oh. I hope it all works out. I'm rooting for you!!
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    I suck and I'm venting

    Great idea!!
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    HELP!!! i think i over-pruned my ladies

    I had this same problem, I'm a super oober noob since I haven't even ever smoked before but I grow a mean tomato :D I over trimmed my fan leaves just before flower a few weeks ago BUT by the mercy of the Ganja Gods a bunch more fan leaves started popping out everywhere as the buds came in. I'm...
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    Week 7 flower! Last 2 weeks. Need Help!!

    I believe there is a nutrient you can give while flushing. Made by botanicare wih grapes on the front?? New to this so that's just what I've been told :(
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    Yeah Hi..... I'm new :) nice to meet you..

    Sooooooo... G'evening all. How do I put a pic from my iPhone on to a new thread? I've read about GpS and all that jazz but I haven't found a way to upload anyway. Also, how do I give myself a face? No idea how to make a user photo... Thanks loves :)
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    How do I check the trichs?!?!?

    This is my favorite response.. I have NO idea what I'm doing. What will I see with said eyeballs?
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    Re gen of my White Widow experiment

    This is all very interesting. My friend said he threw his back into veg and the plant yielded much better the second time. I'm heinous to see your findings!
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    My new set up!

    My cat is ALWAYS in my grow room high as a kite
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    Last week of flower... ONLY my 2nd grow!

    Awesome!! Will try!! Thanks for the tip and very good job!!
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    What Strain are YOU Smokin???

    You're all gonna laugh.. I've never smoked before but doctor says it will help when I do. Growing white widow currently in week 7 of flower. Starting to smell skunky in that room!! Anyone like white widow? What should I expect?
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    White Widow 5 days darkness test

    Did you hit a weird bud growth plateau at about 5 weeks from flipping?? I just loaded them up with Carboload cuz it was like they stopped growing. Weird huh? Just curious if you saw the same thing around that time. As soon as I switched chemys I saw improvement :)
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    White Widow 5 days darkness test

    Wow!! I might be couple weeks behind you. I started flower on 2/12/12 so I think that would explain why your buds are so much bigger than mine!! They are beautiful, wonderful job!! As soon as I figure out how to post pics from my iPhone I will show you my ladies!!
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    Last week of flower... ONLY my 2nd grow!

    Woah!! They are beautiful!! +rep to you!!! I still have about 3 weeks left on my white widow but my buds are no where near as thick as yours!! Just started giving carbo load to the ladies and that seems to help. Hey I know what SOG is but what is SCROG??
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    White Widow 5 days darkness test

    I'm about as far along as you are in flower with my white widow. I've never grown it before so I'm curious to see how yours turns out :) I was planning on doing 1 full day of darkness right at then end but you pose an excellent question. Can't wait to see pictures!!! Good job guy!!