Letting Water sit out


New Member
except that is generally not true at all. Most municipalities use chloramine, not chlorine. Chloramine will not evaporate no matter how long you let it sit out. So doing so is useless.
Not only do most cities and townships not use Chloramine as their main cleaner, most don't use it at all. About 1 in 5 of all American's water is treated with either chloramine, monochloramine or both along with chlorine as the main. This has been going on for over 90 years, it's not really news.

Any use of either is in such small amounts it has zero negative effects on humans or plants. Ed Rosenthal has done stated throughout his entire author and growing career that neither of these substances are harmful to plants.

Chlorine is always used as the main, so tap water needs to either sit in the sun for at least 4 hours or just sit out for at least 12 hours before using on plants.

YOU DO NOT NEED RO WATER. 90% of America's tap water is just fine for plants. DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE.


New Member
You're just dumb. You don't let water sit out to reduce minerals, you let it sit out so any amounts of chlorine can evaporate. You could let a 5 gallon bucket of water sit out in the hot sun fro 5 days and it would maybe lose 1-4% to evaporation.

It's better to remain silent and be thought dumb than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. My version of the Mark Twain quote.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I'm looking at my water district's annual water quality report now, and it's giving specific ppm levels of "Chlorine Residual (ppm)", and describing the source as " Drinking water disinfectant added for treatment". I will let me water sit out, or filter it first before feeding my girls bleach water, thank you very much for the misinformation.
I let my water sit out....... Cuz I don't use it all at once.. Maybe I'm wrong it I was always under the impression that leaving it out would distill it.. Hmm


Well-Known Member
I always leave mine out for 1 day-two weeks prior to watering, or mixing teas, and have never noticed any water loss... I have had some CA/MG deficiency issues before, but nothing that can't be easily "fixed" or maintained each crop, with a well-balanced soil mix with all the "essentials" like worm castings, guanos, perlite, dolomite lime, greensand, peat moss, coco coir, cotton burr, etc(good pH buffers, too), and sum other, "natural" CA/MG sources... If I had a super secret grow lab, wherein I could use reverse osmosis, and all the other modern water purification techniques before using it, I probably would... But since I get some of the knarliest buds Ive ever seen with plain ol tap water left out, I'll probly just keep rollin' with it...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't blame ya there... Every area has different pH tap water, so thatz def one reason why those little pH test kits for H2O r so handy.... Mine is about 6.8 or 6.9 on avg... We have really good water from the underground springs all around here.... They actually bottle it, after filtering it, and send it throughout the country in little plastic bottles, and make a killing on it... What a concept... Selling water, or air... It's kinda crazy... But, it is good water though, which is great for anyone growing anything in these parts...