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  1. N

    Noneed4me2's first medical/cabinet grow with cfl's

    Okay got a clone of something called edit(not G13 but xp94) from a local collective. Only one of the bunch looked well enough to buy but at ten bucks what the hell. Still wish I had one of those Afgan Kush clones but I am still happy. Got enough going now that once my other box is done I can...
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    Noneed4me2's first medical/cabinet grow with cfl's

    Thanks for the kind words! But I know those plants aren't pretty yet. Started another twelve seedlings all random bag seed, but needed something to do till I get some more clones. Need to go pick up some perlite. The nice soil I bought has none.
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    Noneed4me2's first medical/cabinet grow with cfl's

    Here is some photos. I still haven't found a couple clones as the dispensary was sold out. Will go clone hunting tommorrow. Got some decent potting soil nothing special. Organic-grow (home depot) gardening soil indoor/outdoor and some Organic-grow top-soil. Decided to germinate some more...
  4. N

    CFL Micro DWC PC Grow

    Good luck on these new babies. Looking at maybe growing some Afgan Kush clones. Just 2 this time.
  5. N

    Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)

    Sorry to here about your troubles. Lost three clones do to crappy SoCal-Edison brownouts. Hope things turn around for all of us. We will struggle on together and get these grows finished or die trying (well maybe not die, but who wants to buy it when you can grow your own). Keep your head up...
  6. N

    Noneed4me2's first medical/cabinet grow with cfl's

    Bad-sad news. The dwc setup is not practical with the sudden and devastating onset of summer. I was away for memorial day weekend and there was a brownout apparently and my room's A/C reset to off and basically it slow roasted my roots. I already trimmed them down and put them in the freezer...
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    Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)

    This link really answered most of what I needed to know to get going. It covers just about everything and has some good basic instructions on curing down the page abit.
  8. N

    CFL Micro DWC PC Grow

    Another sweet setup. You should do a comparison between your hydro/soil grows. I would have a hard time keeping the heat down on that setup but it looks sweet and I know your on top of things.:leaf: Man it just isn't fair, I just want to grow new stuff. Why does it take so long..:sad:
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    my first grow: pc case x lst x bagseed

    Congrats on your finished work. Their so beautiful, hypnotic even...
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    Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)

    Are you sure it hermied? Mayhaps some pollen got in from outside (hell if your around weed alot you never no if you grabbed some pollen from a buds house). If so you could have a good cross. Personally I don't think I would try to go a strain again if it hermied. There was some week ass bubba...
  11. N

    First time hydro grower. Need advice on strain.

    I got a collective near me with some afgan kush clones for sale I want to grow so bad but lack space atm. My plants are flowering and I just want em done so I can try something else.
  12. N

    First time hydro grower. Need advice on strain.

    Look at getting clones. Really its hard to say what strain is best unless your planning on buying seeds from a seed-bank. Bagseed is fine for experiments but you could end up wasting a ton of time and find you got a male or two. Hydro grows alot faster but it takes alot of attention to get it...
  13. N

    First grow/pc case-cardboard flower box

    Really sweet micro grow. I see how going from seed 12/12 keeps everything smaller. I got seedlings vegging outdoors mostly and waiting for a second box to bring them in to flower. I am hoping they show sex before to much longer as they have been growing over a month now. Are you mixing cfl...
  14. N

    Noneed4me2's first medical/cabinet grow with cfl's

    New pics. Plants went through some stress from heat I think. One is hanging strong but took some damage. One is going to go straight to the hash pile no matter what I get from it. And thankfully my best one is also the one that seems the most resilient. No apparent heat stress or otherwise buds...
  15. N

    First Cab need advice on ventilation/heat. 150hps

    Your fine. I have a 150w in a smaller cab. I am going to to 250w in a space slightly larger than yours.
  16. N

    anyone used a lowryder series box from ?

    I got his 9 plant hydro box. It does cut down on startup but they are small pc tower size (the lowryder boxes). I'd get the biggest you can afford. Problem with the small cab is temp control. It has worked great but I added a 150w hps and adding a much bigger box for later grows and switching to...
  17. N

    Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)

    My temps in my area got summer hot over the weekend and when I got home Sunday night my plants looked ok except the middle one was starting to wilt at the top. Inspecting my rez showed cloudy water and darkening of the middle plants roots the one with the least root growth. Changed on Tuesday...
  18. N

    First DWC grow

    I had a spike in temps now I am forced to move my setup. One of my clones may be a lost cause but that's sorta alright. Taking hash hits of Alien O.G. to dull the pain. Knowing that I can run to a collective if all else fails sorta makes this all academic. Its still fun to grow as I caught the...
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    first stealth cab grow.

    I have some clones, 3 now in a cab 3'x2'x16", and room is tight. I should've stuck with 2 do too room limitations as the middle one is being crowded out. Unless your planning to move them to a larger box setup down the road you might consider doing one at a time. Mixing the light spectrum was...
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    Noneed4me2's first medical/cabinet grow with cfl's

    Update. Plants are flowering nicely although my middle plant took a dive. Has some root rot the reservoir must've gotten a little warm as water was cloudy. Still I think I should get something from it once I put them in a bigger box. Will have to up frequency of reservoir changes. The other two...