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    Need Help Narrowing My Issue

    Anyone? Ideas?
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    Need Help Narrowing My Issue

    Im in wk 5, tho I did switch the lights 6wk ago. I only have the one plant. It's a 5 gal pickle bucket.
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    Need Help Narrowing My Issue

    The second pic is looking down in the middle, to show the leaves are still more green. Also noticed that today leaves started clawing a little.
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    Need Help Narrowing My Issue

    I have been researching for a couple days and I'm getting really confused. Some say nitrogen deficiency, or potassium, or nute burn, or over water. I don't want to have to repost a similar problem as other people but I don't want to pump my plant full of every single thing every person advises...
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    Some Problems (Yellowing, Browning...)

    Yours is looking similar to mine. My humidity is @42% in room (38% in its box) and I run humidifier 24/7. My temps are @80-84. I thought maybe I was over nuting so I exchanged a day with just water. She looks the same tho. I'll keep an eye here for what you're doin.
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    Some Problems (Yellowing, Browning...)

    I'm in my 4th wk of flower and my tips are yellow as well, no brown tho. Would love to hear what you resolved to do.
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    Answers Please, very apprieciated.

    Today I was looking her over again. These pods are all one to a branch, everywhere. Some are opening a bit, and I feel that it must be bud sites. I found a spot where there are two and grabbed a pic and tried to zoom in for you to see. One has a pistil coming out. The other is closed but I...
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    Answers Please, very apprieciated.

    Heres just some of trying to show the pistils there are. the third pic is blurry but i'm trying to show em in the middle of it there.
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    Answers Please, very apprieciated.

    Im sorry to be another person to do this, however Im all alone in this venture so any help is welcomed. Ive been feeling 100% I have a female, but after having a looksee today I'm growing worried. On almost all branches I have just one pod (? dont know correct term) I have a lot of pistils...
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    Newbie mistake- soil is soilless

    Thanks for the reassurance. It's actually looking perkier today, having gave the nutes yesterday. The bottle doesn't say how often to nute, any recommendations are appreciated.
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    Newbie mistake- soil is soilless

    Thanks for the help everyone. I think that I'll def get a scale and weigh when dry to have an obvious number to go off of. I have considered topping, so I think I'll start reading a bit on it. If/when I do top, should I wait until its looking a little better first? Ran downstairs and got some...
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    Newbie mistake- soil is soilless

    I feel pretty humiliated to admit that I thought I was growing in soil, only to find out its soilless. My plant has been changing colors, going to a light green to yellow, and come to find out I was misinformed on nutes, a friend said I didn't need them during veg, and now I'm paying for it. Or...
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hello everyone,been on other sites but needed a fresh place. Just started my first ever grow and will be needing the occasional help. Ive never been a green thumb so we shall see, I cross my fingers for the wee ones in my box!