Answers Please, very apprieciated.

Im sorry to be another person to do this, however Im all alone in this venture so any help is welcomed. Ive been feeling 100% I have a female, but after having a looksee today I'm growing worried. On almost all branches I have just one pod (? dont know correct term) I have a lot of pistils coming out as well. In 2-3 spots I've noticed 2 pods next to each other. Has she hermied? Middle pic is best, cant seem to figure how to work camera to zoom in better.


Guitar guy

Active Member
Holy hermaphrodite batman! Sorry to tell you man, but your girl has some balls. I don't see any pistils though. Make some hash and start again


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Unfortunately those look male to me. But someone who is not a newbie will be along shortly to help you I'm sure. Welcome you to RIU there is a lot of great information here.


Active Member
Yep-- danglers hanging high, It's a boy...If you tickle them, they will

DO you have others growing ?

If you have never grown a male you should give it a go.
You can havest pollen and toss it in the freezer for a seed grow later.

You can grow him out and make killer BHO from him. If you can get clones you could do a seed grow.
and if all eles fail. Plant him in someone eles yard and see if he makes it. Yep- I said it. lol

Ya might think about training him a little for better yield.
You can still get ok smoke off a male,just not as much as fems cause they use there energy to make pollen and seeds.
Today I was looking her over again. These pods are all one to a branch, everywhere. Some are opening a bit, and I feel that it must be bud sites. I found a spot where there are two and grabbed a pic and tried to zoom in for you to see. One has a pistil coming out. The other is closed but I believe is going to be a bud.

