is there any way to make then bigger,also can revegg them so they can get bigger or will they be stressed and mess up. also i had just recently repotted them they were in some of those countrycrock butter spread buckets.
so this is my first time growing indoors and i was wondering if my plants are normal size and how much they will possibly yield.
info:growing in miracle gro potting soil and as feeding them 24-8-16 alpurpose nutes
lighting im using is 1x55watt 2700k 1x24watt 2700k 4x26watt 6500k cfl bulbs
and i...
oh ok imma by that stuff this weekend and just restart from a new seed again.btw how much light should it have i have 2 26 watt 6500k 1610 lumen bulbs on it i had 2 42 watt one on it but i changed them because they were the wrong spectrum.imma buy some more 6500k ones but i dont know how many i...
ok thanks and also i was thinking of getting a bag of pearlite to mix in the soil so it will aerate better,is that a good idea or is it just a waste.also how do i mix the egg shells in there do i crush them up and just sprinke it ontop of the soil?
what type of soil should i get,and what type of nutes should i get also.and what else should i get for it.
this is my first grow indoors soo i dont really know what to get.
i think it may be due to over watering because i doo give it too much water sumtimes,i just dont want the plant to die because i forgot to water it or sumthin.
so what could be the problem. they have sufficient circulation.but since its in a closet the heat sometimes gets trapped in there if the door is closed and the temp gets around 85 to about 90 or 95. but most of the time it stays at around 80 degrees. i dont really no the humidity level in there...
im uploading the pics now.and the soil is miracle grow moisture control, i havent fed it any nutes yet and for water schedule i just water it when the soil is dry.
okay so my plant is 3 weeks old and it stopped growing around the 2d week.
it growing under 2 26watt cfl 6500k lightbulbs and the room temperature almost always stays around 80 degrees and the light cycle is 24/0.
it has about 3 sets of leaves.
i will try and post pictures later