stunted plant growth


okay so my plant is 3 weeks old and it stopped growing around the 2d week.
it growing under 2 26watt cfl 6500k lightbulbs and the room temperature almost always stays around 80 degrees and the light cycle is 24/0.
it has about 3 sets of leaves.
i will try and post pictures later
Maybe nute lock. when asking for help always provide as much info as possible soil type, nute and water schedule and above all pics. help us help you good luck!
im uploading the pics now.and the soil is miracle grow moisture control, i havent fed it any nutes yet and for water schedule i just water it when the soil is dry.
so what could be the problem. they have sufficient circulation.but since its in a closet the heat sometimes gets trapped in there if the door is closed and the temp gets around 85 to about 90 or 95. but most of the time it stays at around 80 degrees. i dont really no the humidity level in there but im guessing that it is low because the top soil dries out pretty quickly.
i water it about every 2 or 3 days depend if the soil is dry. i stick my finger in the soil to see if its wett or not before i water it
hmm well i dont much about your medium so its hard saying, i have a bottle grow going so i filled another bottle thats the same size with soil and never water that soil. i pick up each and it tells me how much is in the bottle maybe that can work for you
im uploading the pics now.and the soil is miracle grow moisture control, i havent fed it any nutes yet and for water schedule i just water it when the soil is dry.

It's the Miracle grow soil change it now! It has salt based nutes that are time released, that and the wetting agents are bad bad bad. Everyone on this site will agree, common mistake made by most new growers. Get a moisture meter fast the second most common problem is over watering. Otherwise you could weight the pot when it's dry. Then water and don't water again until the weight returns to the orignal figure (poor mans meter). Use a fully organic soil spend some cash you won't be sorry.
It's the Miracle grow soil change it now! It has salt based nutes that are time released, that and the wetting agents are bad bad bad. Everyone on this site will agree, common mistake made by most new growers. Get a moisture meter fast the second most common problem is over watering. Otherwise you could weight the pot when it's dry. Then water and don't water again until the weight returns to the orignal figure (poor mans meter). Use a fully organic soil spend some cash you won't be sorry.

my buddy uses the miracle grow and im currently using it [till its larger then putting into pro-mix] if add perlite and egg shell to control the ph + the egg shell has calcium which miracle grow usually lacks
i think it may be due to over watering because i doo give it too much water sumtimes,i just dont want the plant to die because i forgot to water it or sumthin.
what type of soil should i get,and what type of nutes should i get also.and what else should i get for it.
this is my first grow indoors soo i dont really know what to get.
what type of soil should i get,and what type of nutes should i get also.and what else should i get for it.
this is my first grow indoors soo i dont really know what to get.

pro mix or some schultz sphagnum moss they have it at menards. fox farms also great, theres lots. in the meantime if thats gonna be a few days before you get that done id suggest some egg shell [if you have or can get any] in your mix it ill help control the ph and it has calcium for your plant. the underwatering process is veryyyy slow, if you pay very much attention you will know when she needs a drink just make sure its about as dry as the sahara on top lol.
i think it may be due to over watering because i doo give it too much water sumtimes,i just dont want the plant to die because i forgot to water it or sumthin.

I just went and did a little research as I said before time release nutes are bad. You compound the issue by over watering when you water more nutes are released and absorbed. If you try and flush you release even more. Find out the for yourself do a side by side comparision with a good grow store product like Foxfarm. Afterwords throw some +reps my way. It's obvious what your doing right now isn't working.