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  1. T

    Promix Bx pH??

    And yes, TGA seeds are the bomb too! Grew a Dairy Queen, i believe it was, and some Chernobyl'sm, and something else. A couple were freebies. Hell, this was one of my first grows and I can't remember. I had no idea what was good then, either. Got lucky. I was like a kid in a candy store. I had...
  2. T

    Promix Bx pH??

    Just an update, here. Plants had the droop bad. Slow top growth. Roots looked good. Watered with correct pH(thanks ricky1lung!) and then in a couple days when dried, i transplanted to 1 gal. of PromixBX cut with 25% Sub's Super Soil and they are growing like a 'weed' should now. Amazing stuff...
  3. T

    Promix Bx pH??

    Oh, shit, dude, i talk a lot as well. Now especially compared to a couple years ago, I don't shut up. Haha. Come out of the blue kinda. Turning into my old man! Ha. But that sounds great man. 10-15 sounds awesome! Yeah, they money doesn't grow on trees. BS! It will pay off for ya and then some...
  4. T

    whats up with my leaves?

    Update plz? Just curious:)
  5. T

    Organic Living and Growing

    Hello. This is just about how I've just started to realize the similarities of my diet and organic growing. I think I'm on the right track here anyways. I've been doing the Paleo/organic thing since last year as my diet. I've studied my ass off with that along with this growing stuff. I don't...
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    whats up with my leaves?

    Good luck, man! Hope that helps. Does it sound like anything u can use?
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    whats up with my leaves? Found this also.
  8. T

    whats up with my leaves? i found this. Might give you some better ideas.
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    Small white dots on the leaves of my marijuana

    Yes, but isn't that the whole purpose of these threads?! To share information and let these posts possibly help someone in the future? Like I am doing right now? I think so.
  10. T

    whats up with my leaves?

    Okay, is it the tiny white looking dots? I didn't notice that before. I dunno man. Sit tight. Someone smart should be along soon.
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    whats up with my leaves?

    And I saw a couple little holes in the leaves. You might have something munching on them a little bit. Doesn't look bad, but I've not ever had a bug problem, thank God! I'm not sure what else it would be,ya know, pertaining to nutes or something like that causing those spots. Could be a touch of...
  12. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    Well, I fixed my air flow. I couldn't really see how the air was blowing around, because the air pattern changes when the box is fully sealed up. So I drilled a hole in the side of my grow box and I could see that the wind was being sucked up from the bottom of the plants. It was definitely too...
  13. T

    whats up with my leaves?

    I've had them do that before. Yeah, I don't believe it is a problem either. When mine done this, it was the top growth and it straightened back out after the leaves were fully developed. I don't want to say for a fact this is it. I never like to tell someone something w/o being 1,000% sure. It...
  14. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    And people need to watch out before they throw around words like "confirmed" when ain't a damn thang been confirmed!!!
  15. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    I think I have found the source of my troubles here. Wind Stress, brought to my attention by a NOOB! Thank you, 808MMJ!!! And the other is pH is off, brought to my attention by ricky1lung. Thank you, ricky!!! pH for Promix is 5.8-6.2!!!!!!!!! It is a soilless medium! "Confirmed"!!! Case...
  16. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    Besides compaction, your medium just might hold too much water for whatever reason. I don't know all the possible reasons for water-retention. Maybe that is the only way? Dunno. But I would find you a good soil recipe off the net somewhere to best to suit ur grow methods. Go with something tried...
  17. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    Okay, your medium is staying over-saturated, i think. Your mix should be pretty loose and there are times it can compact and cause problems. Happened to me last grow. Root rot after 40 days of veg! But it was my fault i was using party cups and i was using this technique i learned to bury the...
  18. T

    Promix Bx pH??

    Oh, yeah. What is this new method you are going to try, fir3dragon?
  19. T

    Promix Bx pH??

    Sounds good, man! I plan on some bagseed experiments one day. I think that bagseeds have come a long ways by now. With all the genetics that have been prevalent for so long now, it has to be some kind of good genetics in there somewhere. Just find ur keepers. I guess the seed companies might not...
  20. T

    Promix Bx pH??

    Good looking out, bro! I yike free stuff. Ha. Good luck with your grow! Them bagseeds can be pretty good sometimes. I grew one out not too long ago just for the hell of it. It had the best tasting Lemon-pledge flavor. I was truly surprised. And she looked shitty as hell until she got going in...