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  1. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    Dammit! Now they all got the droop. Plants are going to need to be watered again here soon. I am going to let them get drier than i did before. What should I do, just stay the course or I dunno?? Maybe this is the "darkest before the dawn" kinda situation. They have dried a lot faster this time...
  2. T

    odd smell? health risk?

    I would be paranoid as hell about smoking it. The smell is the bacteria. Just because it hasn't got the black look of the more noticeable pieces you trashed , doesn't mean it isn't affected. I've heard that mold can fudge you up pretty good. Maybe even kill you! Common sense tells me,"don't...
  3. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    So, you hear that, peoples? Water WHEN DRY! I am thinking they might bounce back from a little under-watering, if let's say you let them go too long on accident vs. over-watering?? Just my thought atm. Someone correct me if I'm wrong! One time I had a large plant that I let go waaaaay too long...
  4. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    Good news is, 5 of 10 are fine! Hopefully rest will follow suit soon. The bad ones don't look as bad either soooo.. I guess I saved my ass a lil by staggering my waterings by experimenting with different moister levels. And there is a fairly fine line there i believe. You are absolutely right...
  5. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    Stay tuned to see if I can figure out how to open the moisture meter package and put batteries in it.
  6. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    Thank you for your help, everyone!!!
  7. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    Over mother fucking watered! Omg!!!!!!!! It had been a week since they were watered/planted, Cups were light as hell, top inch dry and pulled away on some because i staggered my waterings with a few dif plants to let some dry more than others to test these dif moisture levels. Because this bs is...
  8. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    I raised my lights a lil bit so let's see if that does anything. I watered yesterday. Cups were light. I would say 10-15% total moisture. This ain't my first rodeo, either. This has to be at least my 7th grow!! I'd like to think I got the watering thing down pat by now. Never had any problems...
  9. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    I meant @ those percentages LEFT!
  10. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    Humidity 30-40%... And how dry do you all let ur pots get? 5,10,20%,etc.??
  11. T

    Here we go again! Seedling help plz!

    My seedlings leaves are curling down with a couple of them, the new set of leaves coming up have a tiny, tiny amount of burn on the tip? 2x2 grow box, 10 cfl's about 3 inches from tops, temp stays at 75-80max!, promix bx, no nutes, 6.3 pH... Is this heat stress?? If it is an over-watering...
  12. T

    So how many people use CO2 on their grows, and whats the results like?

    This is correct, but isn't the sun up in the pic? What about when that sun goes down?
  13. T

    So how many people use CO2 on their grows, and whats the results like?

    I am a noob here, so plz don't tax my gig so hardcore crusters! But, with lights on they absorb CO2 and give off Oxygen. And with the lights off, they absorb oxygen and give off CO2. Right?
  14. T

    Need Help With First Organic Feeding Plz

    Awesome! Thanks for the great replies, peoples!!
  15. T

    So how many people use CO2 on their grows, and whats the results like?

    I don't really know a lot about this stuff you all are talking about here yet. I get the general idea, but I'm wondering if the Seltzer Water thing is b.s.? Thought about trying it. Does it work on a small scale at all? Or b.s.?
  16. T

    Can you do a one plant grow with a 150 wt HPS?

    Why not use the fluorescent and 150 both for flowering?
  17. T

    Need Help With First Organic Feeding Plz

    I have some Biomax shrimp compost, too. And I ran out of EWC making Super Soil.
  18. T

    Need Help With First Organic Feeding Plz

    Hello. This is my first real organic grow. Up until now I have used Fox Farms soils and their trio bottled nutes. This grow I'm using Promix BX for veg and I have a batch of Sub's Super Soil cooking up. It will be cooking for 4 months at least by the time I'm ready to transplant into it. I...
  19. T

    Small Grow Box Design, First Time Grow

    There are also drip system that would work for when you're away. But I don't want to overload you on your first grow.