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  1. T

    Plz Hep Me! What Is This Going On Here??!!

    Thanks. I just chopped my plants and I believe that the cups were the problem. They were pretty damn compacted. The roots inside the cup had a good color still, but everything outside the cup was gray and thin.
  2. T

    Plants "stunted" after root rot?

    Love how everybody left you hanging! Ha. Trying to find this out myself.
  3. T

    Plz Hep Me! What Is This Going On Here??!!

    Well, what should I do now? Leave them and hope they recover? Kill them? Transplant them?.....I might as well just leave them and hope for good because I don't have a dime to buy the seeds and all the shit I need. Yaaaayy, meeeee!!!!!!!!!!
  4. T

    Plz Hep Me! What Is This Going On Here??!!

    Thanks. This sounds like a really good answer to my problem. How would I combat this? Besides ditching the f-ing cups next time. Ha.. I start them in party cups with a cup inside of a cup with its bottom cut off. Outside cup has holes in the bottom for drainage. When roots get established...
  5. T

    Plz Hep Me! What Is This Going On Here??!!

    Thanks. Wouldn't the roots go down and then come back up around the outside of the cup?
  6. T

    Plz Hep Me! What Is This Going On Here??!!

    Thanks, guys!!!! I guess you have to call it like you see it. And i agree, it looks like overwatering. Looks like a duck and quacks like a duck soooo.. But I've never ever overwatered('til now). Let alone let it go on for so long with three plants at the same time! Underwatered a couple times. I...
  7. T

    Plz Hep Me! What Is This Going On Here??!!

    Over watering it is then. All I know is that this girl is gonna beg me like a mofo for water next time she needs it.
  8. T

    Plz Hep Me! What Is This Going On Here??!!

    I let my pots dry out really well between waterings. I'll usually let them go 5 days or so between waterings. They get pretty damn dry. Well they have been doing this for near 2 weeks now. They prolly all rotted by now if that is the case... I'm pissed off now. Sorry.
  9. T

    Plz Hep Me! What Is This Going On Here??!!

    What does this look like, peeps? I very seriously doubt it's over-watering. Does this look like underfed?? Nute lockout? Something else? This is a ken's og. Day 40!!!!!! wtf! Using promix bx in 2 gal. air pots, nutes, ph to 6.3.
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    Can I Save My Bulb??

    That was what I was afraid of.
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    Can I Save My Bulb??

    I have a brand new hps bulb that I accidentally let touch a piece of rubber and it melted a tiny bit to my bulb. Should i just toss it now? I have a feeling that is the answer. :(
  12. T

    humidity problem

    Hang wet towels. They dry out fast, so have the bottom of the towel dipping in something like a paint tray with water. It will wick the water up so you won't have to re-wet them constantly. Works for me.
  13. T

    Help Please! Heat Stress??

    Okay. I do not think it is a water issue. I think I might know what it is now, hopefully. I FIM'd my plants a couple days before I noticed the droop. And only three of the six are doing this. And they are all kush(GDPOG and two HGK). My purple dreams and afghan are doing fine. Are kush strains...
  14. T

    Help Please! Heat Stress??

    I guess the medium is staying saturated longer than it should. I always let the pots dry very well between waterings. If anything I've been an underwaterer in the past in fear of this all too common noob mistake. Damnit! Thanks for the help!!!!!
  15. T

    Help Please! Heat Stress??

    After looking at a bunch of pics, it does look like overwatering. Just need a confirmation if it is.
  16. T

    Help Please! Heat Stress??

    Does it look like I have any problem at all. The leaves seem pretty droopy. I'm sure it's not a watering problem. Leaves are a good color. Heat stress is all I can think of.
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    CFL vs Candles

    I grow mines at the end of a rainbow.
  18. T

    Leaves curling up on the sides

    I just wanted to add my 2 cents here. I was thinking that there might not be anything in your soil mix to break down the chicken shit to usable nutrients. Maybe add some mycorrhiza?
  19. T

    Humidity-Help Please!

    Thanks for the speedy help, bros!