Plants "stunted" after root rot?


Well-Known Member
My buddies system overheated and his plants got DESTROYED, like 80% died. He took the "good" (ie:not dead) plants, H2O2'ed the roots, and moved them to an E&F table.

Been like a week or two, few more died outright, but most aren't doing anything - no new root growth, just kind of clinging to life. PH is 6 and not really climbing, water temps are like 60, res has air stones, superthrive/cannazyme/hydrozyme/great white roots were all added. Plants are under 800 watt continuous with 3 hours / day of 2800 watts (4x12, so not that much light)

He's going to try giving them a few hours of dark, but aside from that, does anyone have any ideas? Would transplanting to soil save them? Make them worse?

Little advice for anyone with bad root rot: Take clones ASAP, because the plants die like 5-6 days after the roots, and clone fine until they wilt, but are worthless after that.


Well-Known Member
Come on guys? No ones ever fixed a root rotted plant? Or moved one from hydro to soil to know if it lived or died?


Well-Known Member
The first thing to try is to wash them off and give them a clean start.

Then you can try applying a compost tea, beneficial organisms, to help
repair the problem.

There is a thread here on this....I think that it is a sticky in the Hydro area.

Good luck,
