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  1. G

    modern gaming is boring!

    I've been playing video games since the NES came out and I personally don't understand how some people can just play these shitty games. They are repetitive, boring, And worst of all are to damn easy to beat. The only good game that i see coming out soon is going to be elder scrolls online...
  2. G

    Plant folding over sativa FIRST GROW

    Right on man thanks for the advice do you have any idea on why the sativa was folding over like that though?
  3. G

    Plant folding over sativa FIRST GROW

    Hey guys whats going on im having a issue with my sativa I originally had a problem with nutrient burn but it seemed to recover from that. But now im 3 weeks into flowering and it seemed to be doing fine but i woke up this morning to find out that it had folded completely over :-( so i staked it...
  4. G

    Growing Autos outdoors in Texas San Antonio

    Sweet thanks again for the help man im going to go ahead and start them up then.
  5. G

    Growing Autos outdoors in Texas San Antonio

    Whats up guys i plan on doing a outdoor auto grow along with a pheno grow but im a little worried that the autos wont be yielding much my question is will it be possible to harvest a good amount off of autos in 14/10 Lighting growing indoors isint a option atm because my room is occupied lol (I...