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  1. W

    About to be chopped, or not?

    Bagseed first grow.
  2. W

    BUDS almost ready for chop?

    Ive only gave it nutrients twice its in life time. It hasnt really came off to me like it needed anymore yet.
  3. W

    BUDS almost ready for chop?

    Well seems like 2-3 weeks is what you guys are sayin I'll wait the three I mean Im in no rush.. How old they are Im not too sure, I do know its an auto flower and the pistils shown about a month ago. My guess is its about 2 months old.. When I water, I water til its draining from the soil just...
  4. W

    BUDS almost ready for chop?

    I dont flush, but I was thinking about a 48 hour dark period before cutting, is that a bad idea? This is my first grow so idk
  5. W

    BUDS almost ready for chop?

    Yea I dont have a scope/: but I can definately wait two more weeks
  6. W

    BUDS almost ready for chop?

    How long til they are ripe, or are they ready for the chop?
  7. W

    water - nutrient resevoir questions

    why do you need a 50 gallon reservoir?
  8. W

    WOW! how much longer til ripe?

    Shitty therm inside the room, but its past the 75 at the peak of the day temp its around low 80s an drops to 70ish at night
  9. W

    WOW! how much longer til ripe?

    Air conditioned, with a fan to move air and it sits about 76 F
  10. W

    WOW! how much longer til ripe?

    True well in that case I'd let it sit out a day or two.. If it hermies I still get smoke an possibly seed. If it revegs then I can atleast clone a couple branches an send it back to flower. I doubt one day missed would send it to reveg tho idk
  11. W

    WOW! how much longer til ripe?

    Bagseed, and never was an indoor plant all outdoor. It is gettin fairly hot in Texas right now though.
  12. W

    WOW! how much longer til ripe?

    If you guys will guide me past the 6 week mark into the 8-9 week mark to truly ripen I'll endure the patience. A bit anxious of waiting too long and getting no THC content. It doesnt smell skunky at all, more piney and citrus.
  13. W

    WOW! how much longer til ripe?

    Light proofed room, and Im remaining fairly religious in my routine. New location with no hook ups was just trying to grow some of my own. Especially not havin been able to smoke for 7 months now
  14. W

    WOW! how much longer til ripe?

    Well I'll definately come back in a week or two man. Hope fully it'll fill out some hearing its gonna be less than an ounce being that its almost 4 ft tall is somewhat depressing.
  15. W

    WOW! how much longer til ripe?

    OH its about 16 hours of light right now I just move them to the shed at 7 30 everyday..
  16. W

    WOW! how much longer til ripe?

    I asked what he meant by two weeks because he didnt clarify what the two weeks was to, lol. It is outside, and it gets about 7 hours of direct light.
  17. W

    Bag seed and Hindu Kush just couple of questions.

    To me that looks like to much feeding. Are you feeding it more than twice a month?
  18. W

    First Outdoor Grow (Bagseed): Grow log

    Feed on the forth node if the soil isnt rich enough to feed them itself, and dont go crazy with watering. Watch the weather try to shade them if it gets to be 95 degrees or more. Goodluck, and lay the rest in God's hands, or whom you believe in.
  19. W

    Male or female? or to early

    Early, also take a picture of the node. Close enough to see the hairs on the stem clearly.
  20. W

    WOW! how much longer til ripe?

    Week or two, and then harvest?