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  1. Taurich

    Hey America, how do you smoke green?

    Yeh I might just do that, if I can't handle that I'll grab a vape, and if I can't handle that then fuckit I'll just decarb and eat that shit like popcorn ;)
  2. Taurich

    Hey America, how do you smoke green?

    Yeh our government is trying to get rid of smoking tobacco altogether so the taxation on cigarettes increases every 6 months based on the consumer price index, then every September there is a 12.5% increase on the excise tax as well. It's gotten very very expensive, very very fast. Over double...
  3. Taurich

    Hey America, how do you smoke green?

    Ahhh nothing like mainlining Crystal Hempphetamine So is there an economical way to get into vaping? Like an entry level vape that I can buy to see if I want to drop the cash on a big one?
  4. Taurich

    Hey America, how do you smoke green?

    Oh god, cannies. Now that just instantly brings the taste of charred metal, paint, and vomit to my mouth. Wish I knew about apple pipes back in those days >_< I actually haven't had a chance to vape yet. It's probably the perfect solution for me, isn't it kind of expensive though? I hear you...
  5. Taurich

    Is it possible that NASA faked the moon landing?

    If you want to see how easy it is to fly to the moon, just go play kerbal space program North Korea could probably do it if they threw enough money at it
  6. Taurich

    Hey America, how do you smoke green?

    Yeh I did a few grows back in 2012, uhhhhh things did not go very well. First crop got sold fine, second and third both got stolen. Hydro setup got stolen and profits from crop one went to replacing it, then second hydro setup got stolen and that's right about where I said 'fuqdat'. Found the...
  7. Taurich

    Hey America, how do you smoke green?

    Yeh so I'm from the mexico of Australia, and we're a bit weird down here. We smoke our cones (bowls) with a mix of weed and tobacco, and you're expected to thumbscrew it, haystack it, and smoke the whole thing in one rip. Also you smoke out of what's called a springer, which is a glass...
  8. Taurich

    What does an 8th go for where you live?

    We don't sell 1/8'th in aus, the closest we have is like a nationwide price of 3 grams for $50. it's called a 3fa, as in 'threefa fifty' It's pretty much the juiciest profit margin for small time or by the gram sellers, as it allows them to move a few grams at once for a high price. Singles...
  9. Taurich

    Firs time hydro ..need help with EC and PH

    Could be a pathogen problem, shocking the system with a strong (10ml/L) solution of 50% strength H2O2 should eliminate any nasties that have built up (just don't fill your whole res or it'll get expensive). I'm not sure if it's being caused by the medium, I've personally used totally untreated...
  10. Taurich

    Firs time hydro ..need help with EC and PH

    You said you were adding a couple ml of PH down each day? That sounds like a hell of a lot for a 50L tank, I run the same size and use one quarter of a ml per day. How high does the PH climb over night?
  11. Taurich

    Cash to blow

    Hey guys I've found I might have an unexpected windfall heading my way, and I wish to invest it into my grow operation. What I currently have: 4x4 Tray in 6ft tent 600w HPS 60L Res w/ necessary flood and drain equipment Big ass fan (could run two or three of the tents I currently have on one...
  12. Taurich

    Choosing a nutrient line for my first hydro op, what do the fine people of this site

    Something inorganic with quality nutrient buffers. Nothing worse than scum in your tank, or your ratios going out of whack. I use Canna Range (Flora and PK13/14 only), plus a little calmag for my rainwater and plenty of H2O2
  13. Taurich

    Does anything like this exist?

    Growtronix would be your best bet, as expensive as these other PH control systems, except it does so much more than automatic PH control. Expect to spend over a thousand
  14. Taurich

    First Time Hydro Help

    My advice would probably to build a bigger bankroll before diving into hydro. You don't have the budget to buy a flood and drain system, which only really leaves DWC as a viable low capital setup. But even that would be a struggle on $50, you'd barely get you a litre (quart) of nutes and H2O2...
  15. Taurich

    It's A Fuct World

    Maybe not totally relevant, but made me giggle ^^
  16. Taurich

    It's A Fuct World

    First time I grew in hydro I had no idea what I was doing, not only had I not grown any plants before (let alone weed), but I really didn't understand the flood and drain system I was using, started from seed, and I was constantly running back to the hydro store for extra supplies. I killed a...
  17. Taurich

    It's A Fuct World

    Have you tried the STG loose fill? It's the same material as the hail, but cheaper and you can control the amount of air-voids by how densely you pack it in. At the very least it wouldn't have the spacious voids you would get between cubes. If you haven't tried it yet, I plan on doing my next...
  18. Taurich

    It's A Fuct World

    Thanks I have some more questions regarding your other answers but this one is a bit more urgent. I've asked my hydro shop about STG, they'd never heard of it so I requested if they could order it in. They call me back and say they're having some trouble shipping it in from the US, and asked if...
  19. Taurich

    lets talk yield, .5g to 2.5 grams per watt. how can we get there?

    gpw isn't a meaningful number as gpwpm (gram per watt, per month) 2.5gpw looks better on paper compared to 1.5gpw, but if the 2.5gpw took 6 months and the 1.5gpw took 3 months, then the 1.5gpw is the more productive harvest. Just remember to factor time into this equation if you want the best...
  20. Taurich

    It's A Fuct World

    Hey Al I'm using an adaptation of your SoG method I've only got two flower tents (1.25m x 1.25m, 1000w HPS each), a separate box with a 400w MH, and a propagation box (some fluro's) Currently I'm doing it like this Prop Box (24/0): 3 weeks -> Move to veg box Veg box (24/0): 2 weeks -> Move...