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  1. C

    1200w 4x8 Tent Grow

    Read through all the pages, great grow and show you got going! Keep the pics coming
  2. C

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    I had horrible luck growing Delicious Seeds Cotton Candy. Might of had a pretty weak seed but never showed any 5+ finger fan leaves after 5 weeks flipped so I chopped. Was getting alot of single finger leafs and undeveloped stuff.
  3. C

    N Toxicity 6 weeks flower

    :) appreciate the attempt, you always are spot on with your advice.
  4. C

    Wrinkled & Curling leaves during 2nd week flower! HELPPPPPPPP!

    1st plant looks healthy man 2nd could be overwatering or little too strong feeding, if you kept it up youd begin to see the burnt tips just back off the feed next watering 3rd couldnt tell you accurately You said youve been flushing them for a week? I usually would only do one big heavy flush...
  5. C

    N Toxicity 6 weeks flower

    two more total feedings before chop scrog?? They say 65-80 days and I cant find a single orange hair, most are all white and still growing! I think shes got another 2 weeks at least. Will drop the feed next watering, for the past 3 feedings she has been at about 900-840pmm @.5 after shooting...
  6. C

    N Toxicity 6 weeks flower

    Have been a week into week 7 and using <6ml A&B so I know my N levels are going down and I've been increasing her shooting powder dosage slowly, still have lots of claws on the buds not fan leafs. Someone has to know or help!
  7. C

    N Toxicity 6 weeks flower

    Can someone else chime in? H&G recommend stopping Multi Zen after 3 weeks in flower when you begin Bud Xl but I run Bud XL from week 1, is there any problem with this? I realize Hygrozyme and Multi Zen are similar in they are both enzymes so I will stop using one or another. I thought they are...
  8. C

    I'm having issues with the water here!

    Just check out a hydro store those systems are made to handle the increased workload demanded by gardeners. Good luck!
  9. C

    N Toxicity 6 weeks flower

    Here is my latest feeding prior to shooting powder: 10ml coco a&b by house& garden 4. 5ml cal mag 2. 5ml silica blast 6ml ful power 4 ml bud xl 8 ml Humic acid h2 grandma's enggys 3ml hygrozyme And every other feeding I will use 5ml liquid karma. Please let me know if this schedule is...
  10. C

    N Toxicity 6 weeks flower

    Hey guys here's is my chemwreck 6 weeks along. I have been using h&g nutes and she already has received top booster but this leaf curl has been haunting me this entire time. I use equal ratios of h&g a+b but wonder what else I should be using besides bud xl and shooting powder to help these...
  11. C

    Help Figure Positioning 4x8

    Is it not recommended I thought to run the 8" Filter >> 8" Light >reducer> 6" Light >> 6" fan? I would love to run 8" filter >> 8" fan to cool the room then Im stuck how to cool my lights with 2 different sized hoods. I have both 8" and 6" fans so let me hear your combinations
  12. C

    Help Figure Positioning 4x8

    Hey guys have a GL120L and have a bit of a problem, I cant seem to piece together. I have a 6" magnum xxxl and a 8" blockbuster I also have 2 8" fans and 2 6" fan I can use for this setup. My filter is a 8x24 phat filter, I also have a 6x24 I could use in replace but the rated cfm is lower...
  13. C

    Hanging Oscillating Fan in 4x8

    Where is the best place to mount a 12" oscillating fan inside a 4x8 tent? I'm stumped with 2 sun systems hoods. I thought using the attached method but asking for any other suggestions!
  14. C

    Kill it?

    Pretty funny, was watering my autoflower today and noticed this coming out the side of my airpot. Do I kill it early on? Or keep it around to see just what kind it is?
  15. C

    THRIPS Need Help.

    Good call on the neem, I would do an application and cover the entire plant and repeat in 5-7 days to ensure they are gone. Use a easy natural soap like dr bonners to help saturate it into the water.
  16. C


    Here is an early pic of my girl when she just split in two all by her self. Interesting about the silver haze, how did she turn out?
  17. C


    Those two tops starting? Is this the same Moby Dick strain?
  18. C


    Thanks for the response guys, I'll maybe add some more pictures later during the grow if this things just really starts taking off. Thanks!
  19. C


    Maybe another picture can help determine. This was taken today start of week 5. Also I added one of the flat stem its kinda hard to see.
  20. C

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    Sounds logical to me, are you using the drip clean and have you found any problems using it midway through a grow? I remember reading it can create salt imbalances middle of your grow if you introduce it late.