Search results

  1. Sparty82

    RDWC w/ Chiller vs Bubbler, Why is bubbler (apparently) winning?

    In my envirment where the air temp is 78-80F (with c02 burner running) the water temperatures in my 50 gallon insullated recirculating DWC sytem will quickly get to 76F. If my water gets above 72f for any lenght of time I'll get root rot. If i get root rot I loose a harvest and months of work...
  2. Sparty82

    To Decarb or Not?

    Class of 82, Living north of EL now but close enough to enjoy all it offers! GO GREEN!!
  3. Sparty82

    How much weight do you lose from fresh off the plant to dried and cured

    Exactly, why bother. It's meaningless and a waste of time. I'm a bit of a data whore in the grow room, using HOBO data loggers to capture as much info as I can. Though I did it on my first couple grows I really can't see any reason why this data has relevance. But that's just me.
  4. Sparty82

    1st Recirculating Under Current DWC, Day 21 Veg, ChemDog

    Today is day 21 of veg for my first DWC grow, my 5th grow overall. I'm in the process of switching over from a "grow tube" design (like AeroFlo) to DWC. The grow tube worked well but I'm hoping the DWC will allow for greater flexibility moving plants from the veg closet to the flower room -...
  5. Sparty82

    I dont know what really wrong with my plant

    Not to pile on, but you needed a calendar back in November! They really work great in a grow room!! "For lack of a nail the kingdom fell."
  6. Sparty82

    They looked good before I moved them

    I'm new to DWC, I'd say they need water. When mine are young/small I fill my 5gl DWC bucket up so the roots are are wet. After roots break through the net pot I lower the water level below the net pot. Just a thought. Good luck!
  7. Sparty82

    Using MH bulb for last 2 weeks of harvest? What is the science?

    I too am starting to come to the same conclusion about Mr Rosenthal. For that matter any cannabis "expert" and the books they publish seem to be pushing their own agenda. If you read many of these books you'll find that that the authors often times will disagree with themselves from one chapter...
  8. Sparty82

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    You sure? I always figure a 1000 watt at 9 amps.
  9. Sparty82

    To Decarb or Not?

    I too vote for decarbing. After reading this article, it's just to easy to do it and be sure. I don't see a down side. I pasted in a great article on the subject from Cannalytics What is decarboxylation? In living cannabis plants, the cannabinoids...
  10. Sparty82

    ChemDog Porn RDWC Fat Colas

    Looks great Ray. I love GreenHouse Seeds ChemDog. I'm currently in week 7. Looking at your pics gets me all excited. Did you us any bloom booster on these?
  11. Sparty82

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    Finished my 6 bucket veg unit! I used 1.5 inch PVC with uniseals, in hindsight wish I would of used 2 inch pipe. This was my first experience with uniseals. I was a little concerned as I'd read a few peoples bad accounts. Truth be told I'm not the handiest guy but all went well, no leaks...
  12. Sparty82

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    I want to thank you for taking so much of your time to share your experiences with others, that is very generous of you. I've been seriously thinking of changing over from my "Grow Tubes" to UCDWC. Yesterday I built a small 6 unit veg system for my next grow. Once I get plants in it I'll...
  13. Sparty82

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    I've had great luck with the kelp4less mycorrhiza products. Works great and is fairly priced. Kelp4less just released feed charts for hydroponic growers. Everything is calculated for a 50 gallon reservoir. No more buying water with mystery nutrients in it!!
  14. Sparty82

    EXTREMELY CHEAP NUTES! Don't be fooled by BRANDS! Learn about how cheap it can be!!!

    Yes I've been using Kelp4Less products with great success. I'm surprised it took so long for them to catch on in this forum. It is my understanding their main business is BIG AG, they have repacked-ed the product for the indoor grower. What a great idea!! Pre packaged nutes and additives might...