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  1. S

    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    killer thread.... minus the bug management hey Spl1 can you explain more in depth on the washing off residue? you said you do it at the last phase, is this in the 5th week or last week of flowering...and how many times? just once or multi days....detail PLEASE... also note i'm using 0-49-32+FV...
  2. S

    Most reliable distributor for Subcool/TGA

    i had grown out AO a few years ago for a while till i lost the mother, was a very sad day. i LOVED that strain, very resistant to molds and most bugs, which is very import in this region of the world with its hi hot humidy.. here is the problem i have, i live in SE Asia and all i have access...
  3. S

    Plants with many problems detailed description & pictures

    i had the same wrinkled leaves but in soil...i rinsed it and adjusted the PH and it was fine in a few prior PH was wacked and flucs (city water) i adjusted all water to 6 from now on.. siam
  4. S

    it's back...short hair bitches

    hey mamath thanks for the reply...sorry i got a crappy camera..ok those were Agent Orange clones...i had grown them in previous grow and they came out fine with nice tight buds.....and this problem is not the same as my last... which was solved by PH adjustment for the deformed leaves ok back...
  5. S

    it's back...short hair bitches

    no 1 knows???....bump
  6. S

    it's back...short hair bitches

    seems you all here knows more than any other sites so I'll give it a go. for the last few grows i've came across this messed up bud looks like it had been pollinated but seeds... the hair would curl at the very tip and looks burnt, the rest of the plants looks...
  7. S

    whats she trying to tell me?...its all wrinkled

    fish emulsion...i was wondering if i got the solution correct...i've been using 1Tbsp to 5gal/20liter of water... is this right or what would you suggest... thanks siam
  8. S

    whats she trying to tell me?...its all wrinkled

    my ph is at 6.8 - 7.0, i use 15-30-15 fert at 1Tbsp to 5 gallon, i did flushed it mega last week and it didn't improve. however i did went ahead and dunk them in cypermethrin(pyrethroid) and neem....also soaking the soil as well with it..the next morning i gave it micro nutes and fish emulsion...
  9. S

    whats she trying to tell me?...its all wrinkled

    hello mate..needin some help on this..the leaves are all deformed even at new growth. i had flushed them a week ago. the leaves are wrinkled like a tie dyed shirt and the edge of the leaves are curled up and run to the tips and causing it to look like a a straight claw. this is also happening to...
  10. S


    yep he rip my ass off too a few years back..he told me i had to contact the breeder to get my replacement seed..wft. that was the last order from me. and i let other ppl in many community know of his tackless crap.. if ya going to be in business mr.chronic.. do to good to all not just some. btw...