it's back...short hair bitches


Active Member
seems you all here knows more than any other sites so I'll give it a go. for the last few grows i've came across this messed up bud looks like it had been pollinated but seeds... the hair would curl at the very tip and looks burnt, the rest of the plants looks fine...leaves are straight and healthy. best way to describe .. it looks like a green pine cone with thinnly spaced burnt hair

it did once showed on a 3-way strain and i had thought i had it control but now its back and showing on my other strains... help...

specs: organic container outdoors grow
feed 15-30-15 @ 600ppm
water PH 6




Well-Known Member
That's some weird shit you got going on there mate.
Other than the fact those close up pics are too blurred to tell if it's hermi, i think it might be something else.
We have to rule out mutant strain because these are different seeds to the ones you've previously had this problem with, correct?
If this is true it must be the environment.
Have you successfully grown good dense bud, this time of year, in the same place?

Looks to me like it's struggling to flower and the plant is caught between veg and flower. It's confused.
This can only be due to incomplete dark cycle.
It's an out door grow so what conditions does it have at night. Does it get uninterrupted dark cycle.
No street lights, house lights etc around it at night? This will fuck a plant up that is trying to bud.
Let me know.


Active Member
hey mamath thanks for the reply...sorry i got a crappy camera..ok those were Agent Orange clones...i had grown them in previous grow and they came out fine with nice tight buds.....and this problem is not the same as my last... which was solved by PH adjustment for the deformed leaves
ok back to the grow...i had already flushed them 2x with PH6 water a week ago..i see a very very small to no improvement. the girls are in a shed in back with fiberglass roofings..has 1 fan, pleanty ventilation
now on the lights,,the neighbor's home when they have the room lite on...probably put out no more than 2candle lite power and the street lite is 1/2 block away and it may get 1candle lite power..still pretty dark. also i have other genectic growing and 95% of them are great. the 5% that got hit with this weird shit isn't nearly as bad...they have fully covered nice hair but its not straight pointing out, it curves inward at the very tip like the letter "f".
ok i hope that helps a bit...thanks



Well-Known Member
Well this has got me fucked.
You may want to increase your PH to 6.5 - 7.0. That's ideal for soil grow. 6.0 maybe too acidic for soil.
I don't think that is the problem though.
If 95% of your plants are doing good it doesn't make sense that this one looks the way it is.
Maybe it does have something to do with genetics.
Is this plant a clone of a clone?
Looking at those pics it does look a little mutant with those single bladed shade leaves.
Also, you may want to water this one with some bloom booster of some kind, something high in P and K with little N.
I always give my girls a dose of Canna PK 13-14, (0-13-14) for a week during the middle of the flowering period. It can't make it any worse.
My thinking is that the strain has reached it's end point. Many will argue that there is no end to a strain but that plant does not look right.