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  1. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    retard pheno!!!!!!dee dee deeeee

    Well I'm gonna take em out asap and repot them that's the consensus so I will abide...
  2. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    retard pheno!!!!!!dee dee deeeee

    Understood looks like I got to get some money ta spend quick
  3. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    retard pheno!!!!!!dee dee deeeee

    Yeah I hear ya .. But I don't think I'm gonna separate them just clone em in a few.weeks. But if I do separate them I'll just bonsai em till better lighting is acquired
  4. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    retard pheno!!!!!!dee dee deeeee

    I plan on cloning in a few weeks they are under 2 40 watt cfls so not too worried about space might even go buy some small pots and keep all females bonsai till I get better lighting. Like I said this was on a whim..
  5. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    retard pheno!!!!!!dee dee deeeee

    I really don't know, i found the seeds didn't put any thought to it and well that's about it...
  6. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    retard pheno!!!!!!dee dee deeeee

    No offense taken... And as my name implies I do not know.... Lol bag seed. (Street drug dealer kush) This is all for the fun of it... So These seed I had collected about two years ago found em in back of fridge and thought wow its been a long time wonder if they'll pop.
  7. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    retard pheno!!!!!!dee dee deeeee

    So here is the rest of the group. I know it close quarters but I am just looking for a good one to clone and keep btw all are 2 weeks old.
  8. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    retard pheno!!!!!!dee dee deeeee

    Damn quick with dickhead remarks aren't we ppl its retarded compared to its companions ( in growth terms ) just didn't post those picks is all, perhaps I should have... And no its not mud I had just watered so its saturated. So now that all that is done with. What's up with the leaves they seem...
  9. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    First Grow! Rubbermaid Bin (5 Bulb)

    Check it out it has a lil tagger influnce to it the artest that did it used to be one so i was like go for it dude.
  10. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    First Grow! Rubbermaid Bin (5 Bulb)

    Looks like nitrogen deficiency or needs a lil more light i got one under a 13 watt and the lower leaves are always turning yellow but ima put it under a 68 watter thatell Fix it these things are like 15 bucks at home depot there awsome 2700k and 300 watt equiv. Freakin beautiful but alot fo...
  11. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    First Grow! Rubbermaid Bin (5 Bulb)

    Hey .breeze by the way awsome avitar i got the eye of horace tatted on my neck i like ur version better tho.
  12. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    First Grow! Rubbermaid Bin (5 Bulb)

    Idk about sterilizing the fert. But the majority of ur prob. Would be spidermites that was my prob with it so i got me a bottle of bang smells pretty bad but it is 100 percent organic. I caught it late and had to use it for like 2 weeks but it took care of the prob.
  13. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    Red stems and dying plants!!!!!!! HELP

    Relax the pic was mine hell he has more ta choose from we were meerly shooting the shit till he sent a pic. Smoke one n chill
  14. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    First Grow! Rubbermaid Bin (5 Bulb)

    Hey ladyj ur absoulutely right but if the roots are established already or if yr growing from seed then its cool.. I use mj potting soil from seed nhave had no prob. But i have read that it does Burn. Thanks for clairifing that coodos.
  15. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    First Grow! Rubbermaid Bin (5 Bulb)

    Cheap n easy soil mg potting soil sold everywhere easy to get but if ur going organic get fox farm stuff any will do but be careful with ff cuz they got bugs in em but besides that its prob one of the better brands out there. U could get reg. Topsoil n fert as needed. Hope this helps ya.
  16. bagseedgoodnuff4me

    What do you think of my plants? First time grow with CFL's..

    Wow that last pic was soo frosty i wanted to stick my face in the screen and smell. Good job there.