First Grow! Rubbermaid Bin (5 Bulb)


Well-Known Member
Are you trying to be organic or do you not really care? I've seen cheap organic soil at Lowe's and Wal-mart...the good thing about it is that it doesn't usually contain many nutes so you have less troubles with nute burn. You control the flow and don't have to account for any timed release or chemical stuff...and most ppl say organics grows taste the best :)


Well-Known Member
Cheap n easy soil mg potting soil sold everywhere easy to get but if ur going organic get fox farm stuff any will do but be careful with ff cuz they got bugs in em but besides that its prob one of the better brands out there. U could get reg. Topsoil n fert as needed. Hope this helps ya.


Well-Known Member
Cheap n easy soil mg potting soil sold everywhere easy to get but if ur going organic get fox farm stuff any will do but be careful with ff cuz they got bugs in em but besides that its prob one of the better brands out there. U could get reg. Topsoil n fert as needed. Hope this helps ya.
Miracle Grow can burn plants! If you use it, make sure you read up on people who have used it successfully because if not used right, will kill or stunt your grow. I believe you have to do a lot of flushing? That's why I said organics, simple as can be.


Well-Known Member
Hey ladyj ur absoulutely right but if the roots are established already or if yr growing from seed then its cool.. I use mj potting soil from seed nhave had no prob. But i have read that it does Burn. Thanks for clairifing that coodos.


Active Member
Are you trying to be organic or do you not really care? I've seen cheap organic soil at Lowe's and Wal-mart...the good thing about it is that it doesn't usually contain many nutes so you have less troubles with nute burn. You control the flow and don't have to account for any timed release or chemical stuff...and most ppl say organics grows taste the best :)
I want to go completely organic. The fox soil I'll have to look into i heard of it before, as for the bugs well I was thinking of putting orange peel, banana peel, apple peels and the soil into a blender to really mix it all up real well and really loosen the soil and as the plant strengths I would pack the soil down after watering it, I'd imagine if I blend it for 2-3 minutes tops all the bugs would be killed, especially if I wet it and then drained the excess water out. (the brain on weed)

So thats my plan. I have a good top soil already


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how well that would work unless the fruit peels were composted, but then again I'm new to all this so don't just go by what I say! I had a problem with bugs too, was thinking I should have baked the soil and made sure it was sterilized.


Active Member
I'm not sure how well that would work unless the fruit peels were composted, but then again I'm new to all this so don't just go by what I say! I had a problem with bugs too, was thinking I should have baked the soil and made sure it was sterilized.
After a bit more research it seems like you are correct about the peels having to be composted, as for baking the soil wouldn't the heat destroy the nutrients in it?


Well-Known Member
Organic soil from the store barely has any nutes in it anyway, don't worry about that. You can add nutes when you water! I believe there are a few guides on here about how to properly sterilize it.


Active Member
Organic soil from the store barely has any nutes in it anyway, don't worry about that. You can add nutes when you water! I believe there are a few guides on here about how to properly sterilize it.
How does one go about growing organic without nutes then? Or would that diminish the quality of the plant?

Also I noticed on one of my plants the leaves are closing upward (I'm guessing it's a heat issue, not sure), I'll post pics soon as my camera finishes charging


Well-Known Member
Idk about sterilizing the fert. But the majority of ur prob. Would be spidermites that was my prob with it so i got me a bottle of bang smells pretty bad but it is 100 percent organic. I caught it late and had to use it for like 2 weeks but it took care of the prob.IMAG0225.jpgIMAG0225.jpg


Active Member
IMAG0649.jpgIMAG0650.jpgIMAG0651.jpgIMAG0652.jpgIMAG0653.jpgIMAG0654.jpgIMAG0655.jpgIMAG0656.jpgIMAG0657.jpgIMAG0659.jpgIMAG0660.jpgIMAG0661.jpgNice @bagseed I was thinking of tatting it somewhere, not sure where yet though :) And thanks for the tip about the spidermites but I checked the plants and they seem to be spidermite free, they are looking a bit weird though, here are a few pics but I'm leaning more towards nute deficiency



Well-Known Member
Looks like nitrogen deficiency or needs a lil more light i got one under a 13 watt and the lower leaves are always turning yellow but ima put it under a 68 watter thatell Fix it these things are like 15 bucks at home depot there awsome 2700k and 300 watt equiv. Freakin beautiful but alot fo people seem to have a concensious that anything over 27 watt is a waste but idonno. Sorry spelling has always been my worst subject.


Well-Known Member
Hey, looks like you do have a Nitrogen deficiency AND your over watering. See how your leaves are turning down? I did the same to my Kush plant so have to back off the water for a while. It's good that you replanted though...I didn't catch it before, but those clear cups will let light get through to your roots, and roots hate light!


Active Member
Oh no, the cups are actually wrapped in electrical black tape, I just didn't wrap the inside. The parkay butter containers are wrapped in tape now as well.

I've stopped watering and misted the crispy leaves a bit today, I'm going to back off on the water until the soil dries up a bit


Well-Known Member
ah ok you're good to go lol. I haven't been able to water mine for the past few days since I over watered...might do a light watering tomorrow. Felt bad when I saw my leaves turned down!


Active Member
ah ok you're good to go lol. I haven't been able to water mine for the past few days since I over watered...might do a light watering tomorrow. Felt bad when I saw my leaves turned down!
Me too!! makes me feel like a bad parent lol :weed: