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  1. KlunkeredAt4:20

    135W LED Closet Grow - 2 X DP Think Different Auto, 2 X Dinafem Moby Dick Auto

    Can't believe nobody has commented on how tremendous that harvest looks. Definitely the work of a genuine Stone-man! How goes the next crop?
  2. KlunkeredAt4:20

    135W LED Closet Grow - 2 X DP Think Different Auto, 2 X Dinafem Moby Dick Auto

    Managed to remember my password in a haze, so I'm officially back in business. Figured my first post back should be here giving all the necessary and appropriate kudos for the awesome grow you're doing. Very exciting time broheim.
  3. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Grassomatic AK47xLowryder 5 Plants.

    Indeed I only use big bud, im not sure why really I just never used any nutrients for the veg cycle on my last grows and ive kind of kept it that way since. My major concern is not to stress the plants out so i only use 1 nutrient during flowering and then i never get yellow spots or any...
  4. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Grassomatic AK47xLowryder 5 Plants.

    So im updating a day early because of busy times ahead i wont be able to for a while. Everyones powering ahead and we're only a month away now, plus its starting to feel like a forest in there. Enjoy the pics and ill update when i can. Klunk
  5. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Grassomatic AK47xLowryder 5 Plants.

    Everything moving along nicely, the girls are at about 5 weeks now and like 4 for the youngest. Theyre all on nutes now and im giving them about half strength. The tallest two are 20 inches tall then one 19, one 18 and 16 for the small one. Bud sites showing up all over the place, so enjoy the...
  6. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Grassomatic AK47xLowryder 5 Plants.

    Small Update: Been busy so im a bit late on this update, although there isnt that much to say. Everythings going along great with the three that are a week into nutrients and im starting to give some to the other one thats showing pistils. Cant say much else so enjoy the pictures and ill repeat...
  7. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Grassomatic AK47xLowryder 5 Plants.

    Picture Update: Also should mention that on the three eldest i.e. the three plants grouped together on the right hand side I have started bloom nutrients (Dr Hornby's Big Bud) today at a quarter strength due to there being pistils all over the place. I put those three about 27 days and the other...
  8. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Grassomatic AK47xLowryder 5 Plants.

    Update: Things are movingly along very nicely, I took the remaing 2 and put them in their 15 litre tubs with the soil mix. They seem to have settled in nicely and im glad theyre all getting the same amount of space for their roots. The smallest one is 5 inches tall with 3 nodes, then one is 7...
  9. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Grassomatic AK47xLowryder 5 Plants.

    Seems like its not too easy to get growing in australia, compared to america and the uk where the seed companies ship to pretty regularly. Although Im sure Ive seen some aussie growers on rollitup so im sure if you have a look around there might be some people who ship seeds there. Good luck...
  10. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Some nice little beauties you got there. Think i'll subscribe to see how things turn out because i'm a big fan of the autoflowers, got a few growing myself. Well good luck to ya and good growin. Klunk
  11. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Grassomatic AK47xLowryder 5 Plants.

    Indeed it is time for an update. Three of them were big enough to move into their 15 litre tubs today. Made the soil,coir,perlite mix and transplanted them. I moved the two smaller ones which should be ready for transplanting next week under my second 250 watt light which is now on. Everyone got...
  12. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Grassomatic AK47xLowryder 5 Plants.

    Update: The three that sprouted last week are going strong and so is the new one I planted. Unfortunately the seed that had germed but was too deep didnt make it so I replaced it on wednesday and its replacement has already sprouted. Enjoy the pictures Klunk
  13. KlunkeredAt4:20

    BlueCheesey's AK47xLR2 Autoflower 400HPS Closet Grow

    Wow they look amazing, mine are a good way into their second leaf set. Part of the reason I got the grassomatic seeds was because I wanted some bushy plants and from yours it looks like that's exactly what they do. Keep up the good work and hope the yellowing doesnt get in the way. Klunk
  14. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Grassomatic AK47xLowryder 5 Plants.

    The three healthy ones have two sets of leaves although the second set are small, but everything seems to be coming along nicely. As for the repotted and the new one they should show in a few days and ill update when they do with a few pictures. Klunk
  15. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Grassomatic AK47xLowryder 5 Plants.

    Small update: The three that have come up are going strong and are now at about and inch and a half with bigger leaves. Was worried that the other two had not sprouted so I dug them out finding that one seed hadn't germed and the other had a root sprouted but was too deep. So i repotted the one...
  16. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Grassomatic AK47xLowryder 5 Plants.

    Thanks for the comments guys, glad to see people wanna know how things turn out. Bluecheesy left a reply on your grow saying the same things as you and that itll be handy to see what they look like two weeks from my ones. Got a few pics of the first three that have come up will add the rest when...
  17. KlunkeredAt4:20

    BlueCheesey's AK47xLR2 Autoflower 400HPS Closet Grow

    They all look great, nice a healthy. I'm also starting a new grow with the autoflowering ak47xlowryder, hope they look as good as yours. Good look growing to you and i'll keep watching. Klunk
  18. KlunkeredAt4:20

    BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008

    Glad to see things still looking good, the purple buds are awesome. Left my new grow in my sig, no pics yet but should be this weekend. Good growin Klunk
  19. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Grassomatic AK47xLowryder 5 Plants.

    New grow: 5 Plants Grassomatic AK47 x Lowryder Automatic Flowering Dwarves 15 litre pots Soil 50%, Coco Coir 25%, Perlite 25% 2x 250 Watt Lamps Hps Big Bud nutrients for flowering I've got them in 10cm pots,just moistened compost covered with cling film with elastic bands to tie it down...
  20. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Making my own strain? How do i do it?

    Thanks for the info wannabreed, might check that book out. Kinda meant to close this threat to stop people being idiots for no reason like abuds. I'm thinking that i'm doing a better job than you abuds at growing marijuana so vegetables might be more your style. Klunk