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  1. KlunkeredAt4:20

    BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008

    Haven't been on rollitup in ages, but I remembered you having troubles with your grow early on. Glad to see everything turned out fantastic and your already harvesting some of them. Can't wait to see what the black roses look like finished. So keep up the good work and i'm starting another grow...
  2. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Indoor Soil Grow, 4 WW Day 30 Flowering

    Sorry to all folks for not keeping up with everything, been busy and didnt have a camera for trimming and drying but they looked amazing and took 8 ounces final dry weight. Next grow soon white pearl 10 plants thanks the comments. Klunk
  3. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Lacy's Harvest and Attempt to Make Hash for 1st Time

    This should be all you need when it arrives. Any problems you know where i am. Good bubblin to ya Bubbleator© Homepage Klunk
  4. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Happy 420 day everyone *rep for all*

    Made myself a bong for today. Tis a grand occasion happy 420 to all. Klunk
  5. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Indoor Soil Grow, 4 WW Day 30 Flowering

    Nutes on the way, pics of the plants this saturday. Everyone looking forward to 4/20? Klunk
  6. KlunkeredAt4:20

    yellow spots??? wtf

    My grow in my sig, no nutrients except slow release. Don't over generalise on something if you don't know all the facts. However miracle grow is not what i use and is crap and i agree on not using nutes on seedlings until a month old. Klunk
  7. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Lacy's Harvest and Attempt to Make Hash for 1st Time

    Yeah he's a good kid that panda, currently i'm teaching him how to grow. He looks up to me really like a father, anyways Lacy good news on the hash hope it burn's smooth, any more news on your B-Quick? Klunk
  8. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Lacy's Harvest and Attempt to Make Hash for 1st Time

    Glad to see everything turned out well, are we gonna see pics on the finished product? Also a small word of advice for the alcohol method if you have a ventilator hood over your stove turn it on when you boil the alcohol if not its not the end of the world but be careful not to spark up as fumes...
  9. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Indoor Soil Grow, 4 WW Day 30 Flowering

    Due to my low wattage light (250) which i chose so i didnt have to ventilate or monitor temp or humidity i did have to veg for like 50 days, but i think it was worth it. Thanks for dropping by bulldog, good luck with the grow. Glad to know ive got a supporter Lacy, just got on so my next stop is...
  10. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Bulldogs first journal (I'm a virgin so please be gentle)

    Plants look great bulldog, White Widow is definitely the way to go got a few in flowering just mentioned in case you wanna see what your girlies grow up to be. Good luck on the rest of the grow. Klunk
  11. KlunkeredAt4:20

    BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008

    Glad to see things are going well after all the problems at the start, hopefully those black roses will turn out looking as good as those pictures. Was wondering if you managed to pick up any coco coir for the next stages of growth. Good growin to ya Klunk
  12. KlunkeredAt4:20

    1Puff2Puff3Puff's hydro/soil Grow Journal, (Finally did it!!)

    Plants look great, shame about all the setbacks but at least you've still got yourself a great crop. Hope it all works out and i'm looking forward to seeing those harvest pics. Klunk
  13. KlunkeredAt4:20

    outdoor plant issues - fdd needs help again

    I'm not a wizard when it comes to naming plant problems but to me the issue on this one does look like its to do with temperature. Plus i don't use any nutes when i grow and i don't see problems but maybe its different if you give them some for a while and then they are deprived. As you said...
  14. KlunkeredAt4:20

    G13 armogeddon, red deisel, hollands hope

    Looking great bwinn, keep up the good work and i'm sure your looking forward to an imminent harvest. Klunk
  15. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Indoor Soil Grow, 4 WW Day 30 Flowering

    You did and i'll look after it until you need it. Thought we'd do them all but start as recommended at 1/4 strength and build up as needed, and turn your phone on. Klunk
  16. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Lacy's Harvest and Attempt to Make Hash for 1st Time

    Much obliged, glad to see your bubbleator is on order and your undertaking the hash making journey. Klunk
  17. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Lacy's Harvest and Attempt to Make Hash for 1st Time

    Most big manufacturers use presses a bit like printng ones as a way of compacting the powdered hash into blocks etc. Easier for smaller loads is simply get some like doctors gloves and just press it in your hands for a while until it hardens and then form a shape. When using the blender method...
  18. KlunkeredAt4:20

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    Things still looking awesome Jonny, easy to see you put alot of care into your grows. The stretching must be the widow in them. Good luck and good growin to ya Klunk
  19. KlunkeredAt4:20

    Indoor Soil Grow, 4 WW Day 30 Flowering

    Thanks for the kind words, am way ahead of you in taking matt's advice as ive done some research and ordered some fox farm tiger bloom.have fun for the next 24 hours and ill + your rep for some useful comments. Klunk
  20. KlunkeredAt4:20

    First Closet CFL Grow

    Very healthy looking plants toolage. Good luck on the grow and hope you get some huge smokable buds at the end. Klunk