Indoor Soil Grow, 4 WW Day 30 Flowering


Active Member
Due to my low wattage light (250) which i chose so i didnt have to ventilate or monitor temp or humidity i did have to veg for like 50 days, but i think it was worth it. Thanks for dropping by bulldog, good luck with the grow. Glad to know ive got a supporter Lacy, just got on so my next stop is your hash journal so i'll post there too.



Well-Known Member
hey klunk can't wait to see the pics.

deff ready for 4/20, boss asked my why i requested off 2 months in advanced for this day lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,
Me and klunk got pretty blazed up this weekend (it being 4/20 and all) bongsmilie and we kinda forgot about the whole picture thing :rolleyes: (sorry ). But on the plus side the nutes arrived and klunk has started adding them so hopefully there will be some good bud growth in these later weeks of flowering... :weed: ...Ill head round his next weekend with the old camera so he can get the pics up then. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Check them out then.. :)


Active Member
Sorry to all folks for not keeping up with everything, been busy and didnt have a camera for trimming and drying but they looked amazing and took 8 ounces final dry weight. Next grow soon white pearl 10 plants thanks the comments.
