Bulldogs first journal (I'm a virgin so please be gentle)


Well-Known Member
Ok, time for another update!

I have given up on the bubblicious seeds (I contacted Nirvana and they say they sent them and are not responsible for lost shipments:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:). All the girls are working on their second set of leaves, but don't seem to be developing as fast as others I have seen on RIU.

Things are still moving pretty slow, so I'm going on the offensive. To cover all my bases, this weekend I have:
*switched back to the hps bulb (the temps are staying at around 75F with the lights on)
* lowered the light to 20" above the plants
* treated the girls with Superthrive
* Added CO2 (yeast with sugar water method)
* Tonite I will put a heater in the growroom, I believe my problem may be its getting to cold with the lights off.

I will take some pics when I put the heater in and post later.

Any more suggestions?


Active Member
Plants look great bulldog, White Widow is definitely the way to go got a few in flowering just mentioned in case you wanna see what your girlies grow up to be. Good luck on the rest of the grow.



Well-Known Member
Ok boys and girls, pics as promised. It looks like since I put the hps bulb back in the girls have started stretching. But hey, at this point I'll take stretching over doing nothing any day of the week. Oh, and I forgot to mention earlier that I added a couple more WW just to make sure I don't wind up with a circle jerk.:blsmoke:



New Member
patience butterfly...I mean bulldog...lol the first month is the worst part of the whole grow bulldog... it passes so slow, but your doing the right things...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Maybe straighten out your mylar or whatever that is you're using for reflection? No kinks is always good, other then that looken great bro!


Well-Known Member
Ok boys and girls, pics as promised. It looks like since I put the hps bulb back in the girls have started stretching. But hey, at this point I'll take stretching over doing nothing any day of the week. Oh, and I forgot to mention earlier that I added a couple more WW just to make sure I don't wind up with a circle jerk.:blsmoke:
Looking good! Seedling stage I thought was almost impossible to go through! Things do move so slow.....patience!!!


New Member
Hey Bulldog. They are looking good. How did you find using the yeast and sugar CO2 method? Notice any improvements.

I recently took my seedlings from under 160 watt cfls and stuck them in the 1000 watt room and within two days they more then doubled in size.

You obviously know what you are doing bulldog.
Great journal so far buddy.


Well-Known Member
Ohh nice pics of your previous grow. What strain were those do you remember?
They look yummy..



Well-Known Member
Well boys and girls, not is all well in bulldogland! Thinking that the slow growth of all but one of my plants was a figment of my imagination, I did not even check on them yesterday to give them a day to grow and see if I could tell a difference after two days. Well today, not only was there no new growth in all but one plant, but the others are yellow and have purple on the tips and center of the leaves.:cry::cry::evil::evil:

I am pretty sure all the growth ended the day I transplanted the seedlings into bigger pots with MG organic. Although I am not certain the MG organic was the culprit, I changeg the soil out in all the pots and noticed no roots growing into the area of the pot with the MG organic. However, I have one plant that is doing well in the new soil that has experienced all the same conditions and the two new seedling were put straight into the MG organic and are doing well.

I will post pics in a couple of days if we have any survivors.


Well-Known Member
Hey Bulldog. They are looking good. How did you find using the yeast and sugar CO2 method? Notice any improvements.

I recently took my seedlings from under 160 watt cfls and stuck them in the 1000 watt room and within two days they more then doubled in size.

You obviously know what you are doing bulldog.
Great journal so far buddy.
Thanks Lacy, not to sure about the CO2 method. I have three healthy plants and three that are dying.:roll::-?:-?:cry::cry:


Well-Known Member
Ohh nice pics of your previous grow. What strain were those do you remember?
They look yummy..

Thanks man, not sure of the strain, it was bag seed. I did get what I estimate to be about 2 onces off each plant.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree, I just nuted my big one. It took it like crack and now all its leaves (except the bottom ones) are smiling :). Plan on feeding the others next watering :o


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the comments and suggestions!

I just repotted them a couple days ago in MG that already has some nutes, so if they are hungry they should get what they need from the soil for now.

I have been ajusting my water to a ph of around 6.8 using fish tank ph ajuster and discoered today that the ph keeps lowering over time. Just for shits and giggles, I checked the ph of the water that had been in the grow room for several days and it was at 6.0. I now think that the switch to organic soil and the low ph water was frying my plants. I flushed them all today with ph 7.2 water, but they may be to far gone to recoup. Bridget the Midget has already kicked the bucket. :cry::cry::cry:

When I turn the heater on tonight I'll take some pics.

Oh, I do have some good news. Angelina and the two new seedlings are doing well and the new seedlings are as big as the fried original plants.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry too much, even if you've been watering with 6.0 pH, weed is a pretty strong plant, it will pull through for sure.
Just pH your water from now on! :-D
