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  1. downtG

    Amphetamine Auto

    Havent had the same strain, but i would even stretch out your wait to 6 weeks, 4-6 weeks. I dont think you mean fertilize though, i think you meant pollinate, do you have a mix regular seeds? there are tons of good forums that have nifty tricks on that, where you can bud out a whole plant and...
  2. downtG

    Afgan Kush auto bud, think shes ready?

    this is a better closeup for a poopy camera
  3. downtG

    Afgan Kush auto bud, think shes ready?

    started on 4-10-13. Think she's ready?
  4. downtG

    My plants look dieing

    I second mr hugo, those are some young uns that dont need anything but light, are you drowning them with water? if the pot your using is heavy that may be the case. babies wont drink a lot because they cant put it to good use anywhere.
  5. downtG

    Afgan Kush PROBLEMS (PIC)

    it was a nitrogen deficiency, gave her some nute last night and now they all look better
  6. downtG

    Afgan Kush PROBLEMS (PIC)

    for sure. i might have her figured, thanks
  7. downtG

    Afgan Kush PROBLEMS (PIC)

    dont feed them every watering since they drink what they get within 2-3 days (bigger ladies), but about every other watering so about once a week. I flushed for 2 waterings before switching to tiger bloom. And you are right about light penetration, its not very vivid near the bottom. I LST tops...
  8. downtG

    Afgan Kush PROBLEMS (PIC)

    all 11 are tied to the wall and other plants. I just LST them to each other and by the end of the crop i have a big mess of string to cut through. plant is getting pulled out of the room for photo time else they all get pulled down. but thanks for the thought anyways
  9. downtG

    Afgan Kush PROBLEMS (PIC)

    im using less than a half cap per 2 gallons, just left the veg nute for the bloom nutes last week. My water PH is a constant city water of 6.4 ish, little low but has done the job before. annnnd like i said its hard to get a picture when you dont have a camera. Things i noticed....the yellowing...
  10. downtG

    Afgan Kush PROBLEMS (PIC)

    I know these pictures are pooo because of the lighting and the crappy camera. and these are about 30-40 days old, young uns, they can still be saved
  11. downtG

    Afgan Kush PROBLEMS (PIC)

    here is the setup: 11 afgan kush all in 3 gallon smart pots 1 250 watt hps 1 150 watt hps 65 cfm vortex constant temp varies from 76-86f soil is mixture 1/2 and 1/2 of ff ocean forest and organic's using the fox farm nutrient trio (i dont measure, i just eye and use the "too little is better...
  12. downtG

    Is she ready to harvest

    wait it out! at least another week. You got a lot of green leaves to be chopping, plus the smoke will be stonier
  13. downtG

    Can anyone help me with how much longer

    im not saying your buds are small, they will definitely fill out, with actual bud though not just leaf and hair, good looking grow so far, interesting to have LEDS
  14. downtG

    Can anyone help me with how much longer

    ill go with victory, only 2 and half month of grow since 9/7 and you may even have a month down the line. Buds are not that little when you cut them, and in two weeks when it looks smokeable, its not, because it will dry into little pissants. wait another 2 weeks from the day you would LOVE to...
  15. downtG

    Wat is autoflowering

    Most auto strains i have grown are more potent if not as potent as photo. Biggest problem that ive found about different seed companies and strains being sold now is the inconsistent genetics. All of the photo-period plants you buy will grow at the near same rate, with autos you can have 3 out...
  16. downtG

    Max days u think an auto will flower b4 trich decay QUESTION!

    good q, when you try it with one let me know too
  17. downtG

    Autoflowering Plant Reviews

    Im not going to fill out all this specific mumbo jumbo. But i just finished some big devil autos from Sweet seeds. topped one not the other and i will say not good reaction to topping in final product. All under a 90watt UFO LED. The topped one yielded 23 gram dry and ended fluffy hairy smaller...
  18. downtG

    Why auto Buds so small?

    i threw her in darkness for the couple o days. still wee little bugs, but ill post a pre harvest pic within a week
  19. downtG

    Why auto Buds so small?

    1xwatt 90 diodes, light reader will only pick up like 60 watt at 18 inches vertically down. its the GP90, a 250 buck ufo light.
  20. downtG

    Why auto Buds so small?

    hmmmm....she is almost still saying 2 weeks, again, she is taking her sweet time.