
here is the setup:
11 afgan kush all in 3 gallon smart pots
1 250 watt hps
1 150 watt hps
65 cfm vortex
constant temp varies from 76-86f
soil is mixture 1/2 and 1/2 of ff ocean forest and organic's
using the fox farm nutrient trio (i dont measure, i just eye and use the "too little is better than too much" until they are happy) <---obviously isnt working well for me now. Had this problem with earlier harvest too...

Here is the problem:
There is some nutrient burn on the tips, the bigger problem is that my bottom foliage is yellowing and falling off. 2 crops ago when happened i over juiced and fried them, just last time it happened again and i lost like 90 % of my sugar makers. Now its happening again....any advice?Photo on 5-21-13 at 12.57 AM.jpgPhoto on 5-21-13 at 12.57 AM #2.jpgPhoto on 5-21-13 at 12.57 AM #3.jpgPhoto on 5-21-13 at 12.57 AM #4.jpg


I know these pictures are pooo because of the lighting and the crappy camera. and these are about 30-40 days old, young uns, they can still be saved


Well-Known Member
uh...sounds like you're burning them to death really...u say Not measuring them?..haha thats the issue RIIGHT there....unless ur putting like half a cap full in a gallon. ur over shooting without measurements and not to mention ph'd water. and if ur feeding by eye fckng then u may want to shorten up how often u typically yellowing is lack of N. and if ur feeding with veg nutes still then its getting locked out cause of a salt build up or off ph... maybe by flushing with ph'd water and stop feeding for a couple weeks


Well-Known Member
Try giving some real pics w/o the hps on mate, close ups to we dont wanna see your grow we want to see your problems :wall:

Its funny you mention just about everything but the PH


im using less than a half cap per 2 gallons, just left the veg nute for the bloom nutes last week. My water PH is a constant city water of 6.4 ish, little low but has done the job before. annnnd like i said its hard to get a picture when you dont have a camera. Things i noticed....the yellowing leaves and burns are starting from the bottom up, where the tips being burnt starts from top down.


Well-Known Member
im using less than a half cap per 2 gallons, just left the veg nute for the bloom nutes last week. My water PH is a constant city water of 6.4 ish, little low but has done the job before. annnnd like i said its hard to get a picture when you dont have a camera. Things i noticed....the yellowing leaves and burns are starting from the bottom up, where the tips being burnt starts from top down.
Hard to get a picture and dont have a camra? You posted a few for your first post and never said anything about the camra besides its crappy all i was asking for was a few in NORMAL light closer up to see the leaves. But be like that im sure someone else can help you out, have a nice day.


all 11 are tied to the wall and other plants. I just LST them to each other and by the end of the crop i have a big mess of string to cut through. plant is getting pulled out of the room for photo time else they all get pulled down. but thanks for the thought anyways


Well-Known Member
ok first off you have way to many large plants light penetration is probably why the lowers are falling off

another question do you feed them every water ? and do you flush in between your veg and bloom nutes


Well-Known Member
your fan is also rather small i have a 3' x4' x 5' grow box and a fan that runs about 250 cfm my temps stay perfect when i have the AC on 65 degrees im only running 400 watts cfl and two 135w led ufo's
could be as simple as heat stress


dont feed them every watering since they drink what they get within 2-3 days (bigger ladies), but about every other watering so about once a week. I flushed for 2 waterings before switching to tiger bloom. And you are right about light penetration, its not very vivid near the bottom. I LST tops and side branch's though to try and get best lighting for lowers. who knows...


Well-Known Member
stupid question but i have to ask do you shake your nutes up before you measure ? and do you let it sit a few minutes between parts when you measure it out ?


Well-Known Member
honestly i only have to feed my auto's veg for a few weeks after preflower
the soil will handle them for 3 + weeks


Well-Known Member
last bit and ill shut up
you really need to figure out exactly what 1/4 strength of your nutes is and measure that every time and i mean every time if they need more just feed them again a few days later