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  1. T

    2 Weeks old / Questions / (Pics Included)

    Thanks so much to everyone. I'll be updating this in the near future with new pics.
  2. T

    2 Weeks old / Questions / (Pics Included)

    Argh... about how long do you think it will take to perk back up because I woke up this morning and they still are drooping. BTW the CFLs are the daylight kind. Are those the right ones?
  3. T

    2 Weeks old / Questions / (Pics Included)

    I think I may have overwatered because they are still drooping from this morning. The last time I watered it before this morning was like 3 days ago. Anything I can do about that or should I just let it go ahead and recover and don't mess with it for a while?
  4. T

    2 Weeks old / Questions / (Pics Included)

    UPDATE !!!! So I added 4 100w CFLs surrounding the plant plus the 100w HPS on top. How does it look? ^^^ Also read above. ^^^ Is it normal for the plant to droop a little after watering?
  5. T

    2 Weeks old / Questions / (Pics Included)

    I currently am using a 100 watt HPS but in the future i plan to grow like 3 at a time. So I should let the light and run 24 hours constantly for 3 more weeks? I'll bring the plant a couple inches back to the light. Would you guys recommend me getting the Grow Big and Tiger Bloom or what else...
  6. T

    2 Weeks old / Questions / (Pics Included)

    BEAR WITH ME!! :lol: I'm pretty new to this stuff and this is my second grow. First one was EPIC FAIL, lol. Ok to start off I have this little Fem Skunk #1 who is 2 weeks old. I'm using Fox Farms soil with no nutes yet and I'm wondering.. Is she a good size? The stalk seems too skinny at...
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    Florida Growers Thread

    Well, i went back out there after work and i snooped around and found that the plants are still there under the soil. I'm 90% sure that it wasn't a human because of the location so my next guest would be a black bear. So why the hell would a bear or something just knock 3 pots over then dig...
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    Florida Growers Thread

    :cuss:OMG!!! Im so pissed right now. I just went out to check on my plants (4 of them) 3 pots were tipped over and the other one just had the plant takin out of it. At first i thought it to maybe of been a human but i have no idea now. I'm just extremely pissed. They were only a couple...
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    Hey, I'm planning on putting these pots in the ground so I can move them to wherever I need to, and also conceal the pot. Last time I had a pot and i came back and the plant was dead so i busted the pot open and there were i'm guessing maggots all throughout the root system. How do you prevent...
  10. T

    Florida Growers Thread

    Hey, I'm planning on putting these pots in the ground so I can move them to wherever I need to, and also conceal the pot. How do you stop maggots or whatever the hell they are from getting in the pot and killing the plant?
  11. T

    Florida Growers Thread

    they have already started germinating, woo can't wait until i get these things outside.
  12. T

    Florida Growers Thread

    Gardening gloves, haha. :lol:
  13. T

    Florida Growers Thread

    man nirvana tricked the hell out of me! LOL.. I opened the package and saw some gloves and was like WTF and i found them inside one of the fingers of the gloves i was like thank you jesus. :mrgreen:
  14. T

    Florida Growers Thread

    did you get them yet?
  15. T

    Florida Growers Thread

    What strain did you get?
  16. T

    Florida Growers Thread

    Ok so i put in an order for some BC Mango. Do I just send and envelope with the money and write the order number on a piece of paper or do I have to use a money order?
  17. T

    Florida Growers Thread

    Oh yea and where is a legit place to purchase the strain?
  18. T

    Florida Growers Thread

    I live in NW Florida and am planning on growing this summer and would l would like to know what strain would be best for a beginner to plant outside? :joint: